Tuesday, August 26, 2008

...Aaannnddd there offff.....

Yesterday was my big kids first day of school...and they were pumped. They were both so ready for school, but not so much for the work aspect. They missed their friends and were getting quite bored with me and Brayden :) They were both such a delight yesterday (and today also) morning! Which is a great treat for me because I know that here in a week or 2 there will be the occasional snarling beast in place of these delightful children :)

Here are some shots that Jim and I took as the kids were heading off to school....

Do you see Matt's pets in the background???

I wasn't sure if Brayden would be lost without the big kids around...like he had in previous years. But so far he seems to like having the house to himself.

He sure was happy to get the kids yesterday afternoon. He spotted Matt before I did as he was walking thru the mass of kids. And as I was asking Matt about his day, Brayden kept going "...ppsstt, hey, hey...Matthew...is me...Brayden...your brozer" :) It was so cute! Matt told me he had a great day and that p.e. was gonna rock this year. No little baby stuff. "We're gonna have dodge ball, rock walls, dodge ball while on the rock wall, wrestling...."

Brayden was equally happy to see Nat. He squealed out "...it's my sister!" She said that she had a great day as well and had a feeling that this was gonna be a GREAT year!

Here's hoping that day 2 is just a faboulous!! Have a great day! :)


Kim :) said...

yeah! I'm glad to hear the the school days went well for Nat and Mat! Love the pictures. They are both getting so dang tall! lol The story of Brayden when you picked both the older ones up is darling! Love that!

Jen said...

Cute! They are all beautiful! Just like their Mom! I'm posting mine tomorrow!


Nat is growing up to be a knock out!!! Matt is another lanky handsome Berryman Boy!! LOL Brayden is cute too!