Thursday, August 21, 2008

Let me catch you up....

Ok, I'm behind as let me attempt to catch up...

I know I said I'd post beach pictures, and I would if it weren't so dadgum difficult to get them all on blogger. So, my solution is...come see us :) And then I'll show you them in person :)

At the first of this month we had the first ever Berryman reunion at my house. We had 30 people show up and it was really great! It was crazee hot outside, but I think everyone had a pretty good time....and there was lots of good food (major essential to a good reunion...right? :)) We were so happy that it all worked and everyone got to come that did. Hopefully we can do the same next year and have 30+ family show up.

Natalie - She is about 6 weeks away from getting her braces off, and her teeth look pretty! She is still dancing and has added ballet to her list. We will find out this evening at meet the teacher if she will be doing dance at school also. She's hoping it doesn't conflict with Theater Arts...cause she's really looking forward to taking that class. She will be starting back with piano and art the frist week in Sept. At that point she'll have something going everyday of the week!

Matthew - He is so excited to start baseball. They are still in the sign up process, so we don't know anything about anything right now. He now in his 5th week of gutair and he LOVES it. He's really catching on too. He's still in the basics, but he said he's getting close to the teacher teaching him a song. He will also start back with art in Sept. And his schedule is starting up to lookin pretty full too :)

Brayden - He is doing fabulous with his new teeth. We are so happy! And he's completely potty trained now and has been for several weeks. He got a mini soccer ball weekend before last and he is so cute with it. Might have a future soccer player in the house :) Yesterday he asked all day if he could play with the bubbles that he got for being a good boy at his post op check on his teeth. But it just kept raining. Finally I siad "come on" and we went to the front porch. He was so cute. His little face just lit up. YES...I should have grabbed the camera, but NO..I didn't even think about it. He played for a good 30 mins. So cute!

Last weekend we travelled to San Antonio for my sister-in-law Tina's b-day and her and Billy's 18th anniversary. I had this "great" idea to go to Sea World since Nat was 2 when we went last and the boys had never been. They were so excited to get to go and see Shamu. HA! So were all the other 2 million people!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a BAD sign when we got to the Sea World exit on Loop 410 and the car were back out onto the Loop! Not good at all!!! There was an obscene amount of people there and it was disgustingly hot. We took our time going from stop to stop...trying not to melt along the way... After lunch everyone was pretty much DONE and so I foolishly suggested that we go see Shamu's show before we leave. It started in 8 mins, but I thought that was plenty of time....NOT. We get there after fighting our way thru thte mobs of people and we are told that the stadium is as max capacity and that we should come back about an hour before the next show! That was like 3 hours away!!! So we left and I was very disheartened :( I wanted them to at least get to see one show. We walked by the other theater and it was closed down cause a baby belga had just been born. But we got to see Momma and baby and that was cool just to see them swim and play.

The next day they had Tina's party and Cheryl and her girls showed up along with Tina's Mom and Step Dad. Mom and Dad got to come dowm the night before since Dad got rained out. They made some VERY yummy food and there was CAKE! That makes a party a hit to me EVERY time :) We all had a great visit and it was a great weekend..even is Sea World was a bust.

We start school on Monday and I'm sure there will be lots to update next week. So for now, you are caught up on the month of August (all except the one weekend that we spent a retarded amoun of money on school shopping...but I don't want to go there :))

Hope you all have a great week and that you are geting as much wonderful rain as wer are!


Kim :) said...

Well, what a great informational post! It sounds like everyone is doing well, living life to the fullest and enjoying every minute of it! I love to hear that.

I am so ready for school to start. I think the kids need more of a routine. I know Mom and dad do! It may start to get crazy busy, but bring it on! Let's do it. I'm not so excited about Kelsey becoming a Freshman this year, but that is all just sentimental stuff that I am sure I will get over.. or more less HAVE to get over!

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend. We have lots to get accomplished around this house! The yard is looking very neglected. But man have we loved the rain!

The Oldies said...

Great Blog. Love hearing you tell stories about the family. Have a great day at school tommorow. Love you all Mom


So on the side of the Suburban do you have Berryman Taxi??? LOL

Jen said...

I went with Jordan's Brownie Troop to Sea World on the 17th. If it hadn't been for the water park, we would've melted!
Hard to believe Billy and Tina have been together so long! I remember at Beall's when she was Prego w/ Taylor! (I never got to meet her in person, but she was a cute bump!)