Thursday, August 07, 2008

Ok, we got that over with!

Schewee!! The teef are done! Kinda stressful I'm telling ya. We got up at 4am yesterday and got to registration at the hospital at 5:30. When thru all that nonsense and they took him back about 7:15. The dentist said it'd take about 45 mins. Let me tell you when 45 mins comes and goes and no one's coming out to tell you get ansy! It ended up taking about 1.5 hours and I was about to get unglued! Then the dentist came out and I did all I could to hold back the tears. I'd never been so happy to see a dentist in my LIFE! He told us that he root canaled 5 teeth and filled 2 molars and he said that he went ahead and sealed all his back teeth...for free! This guy is the bomb I tell ya! I forgot to mention that when he came to see Brayden before the surgery he was so sweet and brought him a stuffed puppy dog!!! So when people ask me why we drive almost 40 mins to go to the dentist...THAT'S just one of the reasons why!

After the dentist talked to us we had to go back to the waiting room and wait till they removed the tubes from his nose and for him to ask for us. Shoot....the lady who finally came to get us didn't even have a chance to finish saying his first name and I was plowing thru her to get to my baby! I did all I could not to run back to him...I think Jim was in the same boat! We got back there and just broke down when we saw our limp, whimpery baby. I scooped him up and calmed him down. It probably took a good 30 mins for him to come to...then the Versed's (sp?)(they called it Giggle juice or baby Valium) after effects kicked in. He screamed for almost an hour. He was one po-ed baby. He wanted to be disconnected from all the crap he was hooked up to and he wanted it off RIGHT NOW! But they were trying to follow orders and not unhook him till they knew he could drink something and hold it down. Well, he wasn't do JACK till he got it was a screaming stand off. They finally caved and realized that we weren't joking when we told them that he won't calm down till you unhook him.

So we finally get him discharged after the whole nursing staff had had it with the noise. We get him in the car, start a movie, and get him some grub. ...then we got our baby back. And we've had him back ever since. Those drugs SUCKED! I'll never let my kids have that crap again...if it can be avoided!!

His teeth look great and he doesn't seem to have any pain with them. He lets me brush them and he doesn't complain at all! He's such a big boy! Here's the after shots:

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. That really means a lot to us that you love and care for our baby :)


Reagan said...

Good looking teefers! and he let's you take his picture now!!!


Brayden I love your new GRILL!! LOL!!! Glad you are feeling better!

The Oldies said...

Angie thank you so much for keeping us updated on what goes on at your house, although we do not all respond, we still like to read your blogs.
love dad

Kim :) said...

I am so glad to hear that the Little Man is recoverying nicely! I am sure he wasn't happy about any of it afterwards. I will pray that he has no more teeth problem again in his life!