Tuesday, August 05, 2008


My baby boy is getting his teef fixed tomorrow. He'd broke 3 and chipped a few others at his 2 b-day party and they have since then started to decay. Neither the dentist or Jim & I knew it was as bad as it is. He's got more cavities in these few teeth than...well.. tooth! This was a complete suprise at our last check up. The dentist had scheduled him to come back in to get his broke/decayed teeth bonded and knew of only 1 cavity that needed to be filled. The plan was to give him a little gas in office and wham bam we are done. But as he got in there looking around, he said that there was an abcess and that's not good. He took some xrays and that's when we all just sat there dumbfounded!!! He's going to have 4-5 root canals and caps put on tomorrow. He will be put under about 7am and should be recovered by 12pm. The procedure will take place at Cooks Childrens Hospital.

I know that this is not that big of a deal and kids are put under all the time....but my baby hasn't. None of my kids have. I realize that we are very fortunate to not have had to deal with this before. But none-the-less, I am a bit worried about the being put under. I don't like that idea, but I know it has to be done or this is gonna get into his permanent teeth. But, if you don't mind...please say a little prayer for my baby tomorrow.

Here's the before picture:

I'll post the after picture and let you know how it went either tomorrow or Thursday.



Poor little Pumpkin!!! Hope he gets better soon!!

Aaron Schaefer said...

Angie - I'm thinking of you guys!
Lots of hugs :)

Kim :) said...

THining about you guys.. I can't wait to hear how things went...

Kim :) said...

that should have been THINKING duh!