Wednesday, October 29, 2008


No, not a misspelling...they are PUNKins around here...according to the midget :) Here are some pictures of the kids carving their punkins on Sunday. Daddy did Brayden's, but Brayden DID supervise :)

If you couldn't already tell, Nat's punkin is a Zombie face. Matt's is a bat sitting on top of a ghost's head, and Brayden's is a happy ghost face :)

...more Halloween pictures to come.......

**Stop by Jim's blog and tell him Hi so he doesn't get discouraged :)**


The Oldies said...

great punkins.good job guys

Kim :) said...

OH, I love the Punkins!! that is what we all call them around here. lol

I am a bad momma.. We use to carve them every year.. but we haven't the past couple of years. :( I miss doing them! There is always next year!

Hope you guys have a wonderful Halloween!!

Reagan said...

AWESOME!!! job on the punkins :)
We've bought ours -- hopefully tonight we will get them carved!

Kay said...

Great job guys! I am looking forward to Halloween this year as we live in town. I expect a lot of ghosts and goblins to come to visit tomorrow. I wish you could be here! Love Ya!

Unknown said...

They look better now that the deer have taken big bites out of them. You are welcome, deer!!!