Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jim update

First off...thank you to all of you that have called to check in on Jim. It really means a lot to him and all of us!! If you haven't had a chance, give him a call, drop him an email, or stop off at his blog and say "Hey" :) He's had to stay locked down to the house (minus Friday's company Christmas party) and it's been hard for him to not get bored. He really thought that he'd be released for work and driving by Monday, but we found out at Friday's appt and he'd be off work and not driving till at least Thursday's appt. Still not sure if he'll get released at that point.

For those of you that didn't know, Jim has jacked up knees. He had a couple of surgeries on his right knee over 20 years ago, but since that time they've both really deteriorated. He had a scope done last Wed on his right knee and the doctor came back with some VERY optimistic news. Which after looking at Jim's MRI (in the days prior)...he thought Jim's only shot would be a knee replacement...and he didn't want to do that on someone his age. The scope was planned to just buy him time till he was 45-50. BUT, the scope ended up doing much more than that and we are all very excited about that. The recovery so far has been achy and frustrating for him, but each day seems to get better and better. Each night that he's able to get good sleep makes for a better day.

So again, thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. That have ALL been so appreciated!!! And remember my poor bored husband when you get a free moment and give him a shout in some form or fashion :)

Have a great week :)


The Oldies said...

so happy to hear that Jim will be up and going soon. Thank God for little favors. Big ones for Jim. He'll end up beating Cheryl next 3K. Maybe not Christmas but soon.

Love you all Mom

Kim :) said...

WOW! Glad to hear that things went better than anticipated with the scope. We hope Mr Jim is up and moving again soon!