Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Helloooo out there....

As you may notice (my few loyal readers)... I don't blog much anymore. Partly due to the time it typically takes to write and then upload and post pictures....and partly due to the fact that I don't think anyone looks at this other than a loyal few.

So...seeing as we are about to go on Spring Break, I should have lots of pics to post and some good stories to tell. If you care to hear about it, give me a shout out. Either in the form of a comment or heck, even a old ole email :) Otherwise, I will probably only post on Facebook.

Hope you all have a GR8 week and that you are getting the great rain like we are :)


Reagan said...

I read!
I read!
I read!

I'm still waiting for the post that goes something likes this: So Friday morning I get an email, Friday afternoon a call, and then a knock on the door and suddenly we have company. The company cries and drinks, the company is hungover and won't leave BUT a great time was had by all :)

I wore my Moab shirt to the Y today and some lady commented -- she grew up there!!!
Hope you guys have a fantastic trip - we are so jealous :)


I want to go to Utah too!!!

Kim :) said...

I read too!!

I hope you guys have a wonderful Spring break!