Monday, April 27, 2009

Quotes from a 4 year old :)

Quote #1:

This is Brayden's explanation as to why he didn't take a nap at Mother's Day Out... "well, I couldn't close my eyes cause I got an ant in it and it made my eyes all cracky...."

Quote #2:

Matthew and Brayden are playing a 4wheeler game on the Xbox. Brayden says that he did something and Matt says he didn't. So they are in the midst of a "Yes I did...No you didn't" type battle, but Brayden doesn't say "Yes I did..." he says "...yes I didn't" :)

Quote #3:

Instead of getting upset and saying "...never mind..." he storms off and says "never fine!"...

Quote #4:

There are time when little guys have a difficult time pulling up the pants after potty time. So I'll step in and help him out. Yesterday we had one of those times and he told me "...Mommy you're the best pants pull upper in the whole word (world)"

...more to come I'm sure... But you will HAVE to stay tuned and let me know you are still out there...hint, hint

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter 09

As with the Thomas post below, I have put my Easter pics on Facebook ( And if you will "mouse" over the picture the caption will come up. There's 28 pics and 1 video for you to view!! Enjoy and Happy (Late) Easter!