Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Big Ole Baby's confirmed...he's a BIG ole baby! He might have started off smaller than Matt (if you hadn't already hear it a zillion times..Matt wat 10lbs 2.5oz. & Brayden was 9lbs. 13oz.). But he's been determined to out grow him since!! He had his 6mo. check up yesterday and he's again 100%+ on height and 80% in wieght (50% is average). He is 29" tall and 18lbs 14oz. In comparison, Nat was 15lbs. 3oz. & 26.5" @ 6mos. and Matt was 17lbs. 3oz. & 27.5".

As for what this big ole baby is doing... He's much better at sitting up. If he falls forward he can catch himself. When he falls backward he just laughs at himself. And this baby can scream!! Not in anger (cause he was already a pro at that) but to just screamin delight! It's so funny. I can hear him outside. Sitll not crawling, but it's gonna be soon. And he's a grabber. If there's anything within a 3' radius of him that you don't want him to have...clear it out!! When he sit with us at the computer, it's a favorite pastime to eat my work papers and attack the keyboard...and possibly get a little drool in it :)

Matt's been pretty subdued this week since Nat's staying with Grandma & Grandpa Racecar. He did get to shot his bow & arrow (or as he says bone & arrow). Jim said he was actually pretty good. Sniper in the making...??? Nah, he's just too sweet. He does have his moments but all in all he's a pretty caring and compasionate kid. Especially when it comes to the ladies (not always including his sister).

As I said, Nat's been living it up at Grandma & Grandpa's. Her and Grandma went shopping yesterday. Had a great time I'm sure. Not sure what all her adventures have been, but she comes home tommorrow so I'll be filled in then. Matt will got to their house after (or before) the Junction trip in August.

Oh, and we are getting neighbors. Acutal next door neighbors! They came by like 3x last week asking various questions. They are a couple about our age with a little boy...maybe 3 yrs old and one on the way. They seemed really nice and I sure hope they are. It be nice to make friends with our neighbors. We haven'te really done that since Abilene.

Well that's all...gotta go. Brayden's make me a present.

Love - Angie


The Oldies said...

There is no doubt about it he is a big old guy. So glad he is feeling better.

Yes we had a time shopping. She is so conciderate, did not want me to spend any money onher. But we did anyway.

The Oldies said...
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Kim :) said...

He is a big ole baby, but I love him all the same! He is just precious!! Love seeing the pictures!