Monday, August 01, 2005


Not everyone would see what I am about to mention as a major accomplishment...but to me it was!

About 4 years ago when we were unpacking into our new home in Justin I realized that Nat and Matt's baby books (that my Mom made and I filled in) were missing. Trust me when I say I went nuts trying to find these books, but we never have found them. I was and still am bummed out over this. These were the pictures of their first year. All that I can assume that happened was that they were left in a box (possibly covered in newspaper) and got thrown out :( I told my Mom about losing them and she said that between everyone that I'd given pictures to, we could recreate the books. I was just bummed still cause I loved the book that mom made and I wanted those pictures back.

Did I ever ask anyone for extra pictures??...nope...just kept putting it off.

Well as we were packing up to move to the house we are in now I came across a blue Walmart bag that was in a jammed drawer in the China cabinet/dresser (that was my Grandmothers). This drawer had been jammed and not opened since we lived in Abilene. Low and behold tha bag contained the copies of most of the pictures that were in Matt's old baby book. And there were several of Nat also. One a side note...I was upset about losing Nat's book, but since she was the 1st...I kinda took way more pictures of her and I have 2-3 other albums of her. SO...needless to say finding this Walmart bag (some of you who know my feelings about Walmart will see the irony in this) made me elated!

So...did I get right on to recreating those baby books....NOPE! I got distracted name it... Well I finally decided that I was gonna wait no longer. I went and found two very cute baby books and while NAa was at Mom and Dad's... I got them done! They aren't scrapbooked, but they are "albumed" and this was a major accomplishment for me...MAJOR! I like these books cause they have places to write in them and that will be my next feat...get the dates all written in, and this could be quite challanging, but it'll get done...someday ;)


Kim :) said...

That is wonderful!! I am glad that you found that sack of pictures! I am sad to hear that you someone lost the first books that your mom made for you. I know that was and still is heartbreaking. I am very proud of you for getting the new ones into an album. Now that they are in an album you will be able to get dates and such on them easier. Way to go!! I for one am very proud of you!

The Oldies said...

Really was a great find. Seems like all the things that were keep sakes for you have either been stolen or lost. I f you need any other pictures I have plenty.