Wednesday, August 31, 2005

10 things I loved about the 80's

These are in no particular order...just my random thoughts...

1) The Music!! By far the best music I've ever listened to. Tears for Fears, Depeshe (sp?) Mode, Thompson Twins, Spandau Ballet, The Go-Go's, The Police, Cyndi, Madonna, The Pet Shop Boys, The Hooters, Soft Cell, Loverboy, Brian Adams, Huey Lweis and the News, Bon Jovi, Def Lepard, Cinderella, Poison, U2 (the Joshua Tree, that was the bomb)... on man...the list could go on forever!

2) The Clothes!! Madonna and Cyndi enter the music world and they were great (then Madonna went in another direction...) They gave me such fashion inspiration. I couldn't wear enough lace, big earrings, and rubber bracelets and bangles. By far the most "expression" I EVER had in my clothes.

3) The Movies!! Sixteen Candles (of course) tops my 80's chart, Pretty in Pink, The Pick-up Artist, The Breakfast Club, St. Elmos Fire, For Keeps, Fresh Horses, Can't Buy Me Love, Loverboy, Wierd Science, Working Girl, Desperately Seeking Susan, and Shanghi Suprise

4) Molly Ringwald...for the reasons listed above :)

5) The Hair!! The HUGE 80's hair. I had it and loved it. I feel that I helped keep Aqua Net stock value up.

6) The cartoons!! The cartoons of the 80's are way better than the stuff today. My daughter even thinks so. She recently started watching the Boomarang (sp?) channel. They show the good stuff. My fav's were the Smurfs, He-Man (I was always Teila), Captian Caveman and the hot chicks, the one with the Grape Ape, the one with the arrogant white panther that was an actor...or something. They were all great!

7) The video games! Again, way better than the ones today. Galaga, Cenipede(sp?), Dig Dug, Moon Patrol, Donkey Kong, Pac Man, Qbert, Tron, Pole Position... The list (again) could go on forever. I don't even know how to go about playing most of the games today!!

8) Cabbage Patch Dolls!! My Dad (Daddy :)) went and got me one of the first released Cabbage Patch Dolls (for my b-day I think..or just cause he & Mom are just that great) @ the Western Auto in Rotan, TX.

9) Wesley Preston Arnold!! The first boy grandchild (my nephew) was born on my side of the family (the Brzezinski's). He was a pure delight to everyone and I loved having someone to play with. He was more like a little brother than a nephew...and there were times when we fought more like brother and sister :) He was one cool kid and he's still a pretty dang cool guy. Miss ya buddy!

10) We were all at least 15 years younger!! Most of us were kids and having no cares in the world. And wasn't the world a much nice and better place back then? Or was I that sheltered? I'm not sure, but I do think that the 80's ruled and I hope that everyone got to enjoy them as much as I did :)

Monday, August 29, 2005

Sorry Kelsey

Sorry Kelsey...I thought I'd grabbed a better picture of you in the blog below. So I'll make this one just for you :)

Love ya sweetie!!

I was trying to catch the kids in the ackward psotions they get into coming down the slide. I finally caught her, but the dang picture blurred!

Kelsey's just a knockout! And Matt's just a nut (that's his face int he wall of water).

Kelsey loved the slide (of course everyone else did too). She was trying to find different ways to go down the slide. This just happened to be the traditional way :)

The rest of the weekend story's in the blog below.....

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Wonderful Weekend

Well we have once again had another WONDERFUL weekend. Last weekend we got to enjoy having Jim's cousin Beth, Scott, and Mason stay with us and we all had a great time. This weekend we got to spend time with our AWESOME friends Gary, Kim, Kelsey, and Brandon. I can't begin to tell you how wonderful this family is and how blessed we a
are to have them as friends. We've been friends so long is just like thy are family (and they are Matt's god-parents). They are just such a joy to be around and it makes us sad that we can't be around them everyday like we once were able to. I used to work with Gary (at WTA) and that's where we all got to know each other. It's funny cause as annoying as I was when I first started at WTA (and...still am :)), it's a wonder that Gary even took the time to want to get to know me and then later on...Jim. Me, Gary, (and most days) Kim went to lunch together almost every day and spent most free weekends together. The real test of frienship came when we went to Possum Kingdom for Labor Day weekend (I think) and stayed in a little 10x10 shanty. I was possibly a little bigger, but not much. It had 1 bathroom, and if you had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night you had to watch your step as to not squash a kid. But we made it and no one was killed. That pretty much determined (to us anyway) that these would be friends for life. We love them dearly and hope that we never get any further (in distance or metaphorically(sp?)) apart!

Here's some pics from our weekend...

This is their son Brandon with Brayden...YES, that was a tounge twister for me this weekend!

Here's Gary with Brayden. They have quickly become good buds!

Beauty Queen Nat :)

Matt is such a good big brother. Last weekend he was so good with Mason and he continued on this weekend taking care of Brandon. They were just two peas in a pod!

This is the lovely Kim. She's once again trying to convince Brandon to keep the floaties on. (Sorry I didn't rotate the picture)

Kelsey, Matthew, and Brandon were the definate water-bugs this weekend. Nat tried to hang with them, but she gets cold and that does her in everytime.

Hope you all got to have a good weekend. We sure did. Check out Jim's blog for pics of the new shed. I hope to get to start painting it this week. He and Gary did some awesome work. I'm VERY proud.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Pleasant Suprise

Today Brayden and I had a pleasant suprise... Grandma and Grandpa Racecar (my parents for those who didn't know) stopped by for a while. It's ALWAYS a treat to get to see my parents, especially since we live so far from them. And especially in a world where we are all SO busy (and I'm just as guilty as anyone). I am blessed to have parents that can have the time (even if it means they got up @ 4:30am to do it) to drop in from time to time. It is such a treat to get visitors, but when it's your parents it's always a little more special. I may be a grown adult, but I still like to get to see my Mom and Dad (Mommy and Daddy if you want to know the truth)! I'm in no way discrediting anyone elses parents, it's just these are MY parents and I feel VERY, VERY lucky to have them and I know my bothers and sisters feel the same. CAN I GET AN AMEN!!! ;)~~

It was funny because last week Dad got to stop in for a bit and got to see Braden do his army crawl. Well he went home and told Mom and I think she was jealous :) So today when Dad made his DFW run, Mom came so she could see. I was afraid he would perform for her cause I'd kept him from him morning nap and he was barely holding on. But he pulled thru, got his 2nd wind, and gave Mom a show :) Promptly afterward fell asleep on Grandma.

I love you Mom & Dad. And thanks for making my day!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

First Day of School

Tina (my sister-in-law) sent me some pictures of her kiddos first day of school, so I figured that posting pictures of mine would make for a good blog.

Here's Matt on the way into his school (running late).

This is the second day of school. Had to take a picutres of him sporting the camo!

Here's Nat heading into her school. There's no one else around cause we were way late!

Here she is at her hoomroom.

Here's Brayden on the his first day of not brother or sissy at home. He's sporting his Jeffin Gordon suit just for Grandpa Racecar!

I was trying to catch him crawling, but he was more interested in eating the camera!

Hope you have a GREAT rest of the week!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

It's not a tic...

In response to Jim's blog... ( I was gonna leave this as a comment, bu tit got too long)

It was NOT a nervous tic! He leaves out the part where I'm trying to look at my menu (with Brayden to my left, Matt across from me, and Mason at the end of the table) and trying to fight the baby off. He loves any form of a book and goes bananas when I try to read even the newpaper. So in the midst of fighting him I accidentally know over the water. THIS is when the funny crayon story happens...

We are all so busy cleaning up the mess that none of us BUT GOOD OLE MASON (Jim's 3 year old cousin) notices that Brayden has taken this opportunity to snatch Matt's crayon and starts snacking on it! We are all just hearing "baby eat it, baby eat it" No one is listening to the poor guy, we're trying to help keep Jim's undies from getting anymore wet. About his 3rd time of saying "baby eat it" the light went off in my head and I thought "why's he saying 'baby eat it'"? Ahh...cause BABY EAT IT = "DUH people, your kid is chowing down on a crayon! Remove head from sphinkter (sp?)"

It might not come off as funny to you, but it was freaking hilarious!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Little Monkey

If I hadn't seen it with me own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it! We've been watching Brayden cut his 2 upper teeth. His right top tooth cam in last week and there was drooling and a little fusiness, but not hardly anything to mention. Friday he was pretty fussy and I noticed that the left top tooth has come in. This tooth was causing the nasty diapers and the whole miseralbe 9 yards. But it came in and I figured that we'd had the worst day.

Well today he wsas being pretty fussy and nasty butt was back. And he was drooling more than I'd ever seen. I just figured that the top 2 teeth were still the culprit, so I popped some teething tablets in to try and calm him down. As I put them in his mouth I see this tiny little bottom tooth! I was shocked! I'd spent all this time worring about the top teeth it never dawned on me that he'd be cutting another bottom tooth at the same time! 3 teeth at once, poor guy!

As far as his other developments, he's now starting to rock back and forth in the crawl position. He's getting close! Nat and Matt are just REALLY enjoying all these new things he's doing. He makes Matt laugh cause he's such a nut...just like him. Nat loves how Brayden loves to crawl to her, just makes her day!

They are both doing really well with school. Matt's staying consistant with his green days and he's reading so good. He has to read everyday for 20 mins and he really likes this current book were reading so much that when I told him that his 20 mins was up he said, can we keep reading please!!?? WOW! What a wonderful thing! He also starting to learn some spanish today, hopefully he won't be like me and be more proficient (sp?) in the "four" letter words than the proper.

Nat's learing (what I consider) some really advanced stuff. Today they touched on algebra, longitude and latitude, and something else that I remember never studying till high school. She's been adapting so well. She's just so pumped about school. And even though she had a litle break thru episode last week, she's just hadles it so well. She said "I will always have this and I'll just have to deal with it." She's one tough cookie. She's gonna be a leader and people are gonna know her name in the future! :)

Jim made some major accoplishments this weekend on the well house/shed. He is doing an awesome job for never doing this before. It's a real treat for him (and me) to stand back and be proud of something you did. And he had it framed up in like 3 hours.

We had a really nice weekend with Jim's cousin Beth and her husband Scott and son Mason. The kids all got along GREAT and of couse the adults did too. Dream come true after that whole blog nightmare from a few weeks back. We went to Ikea. This was a 1st for me and won't be the last. So many cool things and ideas and awesome prices!! There were GOBS of people even though this was there 3 week to be open. but it was really neat and I hopefully can go back went it'll be less packed. I aslo went to Sam Moom for the 1st time. I'm not much of a purse person, but it was kinda cool. Nat had a BALL...especially trying on hair and poncho/shawls. She was as upset about leaving as Matt was having to leave Dave and Busters. We didn't get to eat of play there cause Dave and Buster was packed also. Hopefully we can go to one soon...maybe when our good friend Gary and Kim come this weekend.

I could go on all night, but I'll save stuff for tomorrow. Besides someone's getting mighty cranky and Dad's needing a break...even though he's bing VERY patient with my teething baby.

Hope you all have a great week and I'd sure like to read some blogs from some of you who've not been blogging :) Love - Angie

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Pick your favorite

As I mentioned (in the 2 prior blogs) I need help deciding which of these should go on the wall. Please pick the one you think's the's too hard for me!

Choice #1

Choice #2

Choice #3

Now, on to school news. Matt said that 2nd grade was cool and that he had a bunch of the same kids in his class from last year. He also said he had a green day. As far as his story goes there is no blue (which used to be the best you could get in 1st grade). He said that Green was the best, then Yellow, Orange, red...and he started to mention colors like black and brown which from the way he tells it it's close to serving jail time. Other than that, he liked the teacher and the food was good.

Nat hops in the truck and is just BEAMING & says "5th grade is awesome"! She loves her science teacher. Supposedly he's a real riot. She said the Math teacher was really fun too. Homeroom teacher was nice. She loves having a locker and getting to just come right out to the car without waiting by a teacher...big kid stuff! She said they had quesadillas and those are just about her favorite.

So good day all around. I worked and Brayden blew toots and kept army crawling to his sisters puzzle that's on the floor. He really wanted a taste but I kept foiling his plans. Poor guy!

Love you all - Angie

Monday, August 15, 2005

Botanical Gardens #2

Here are the pictures that wouldn't post in yesterday's blog...

Does this picture even need a caption!

They're on a mission! Do you see the squirrel?...

Dad and kids feeding the coy. They were opening up their mouths so big, they were able to drop the food right into their mouths!

Matt loves the turtles.

Monkey Matt!!

I guess I'll have to do another post in order to show you the pictures I want to put on the wall. Stay tuned...

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Botanical Gardens

I wanted to post some pictures I took today on our trip to the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens - Japanese Garden. The kids had a great time, despite the fact that it felt like a zillion degrees. Even Brayden was melting. Quickly after taking these pictures, we stipped him down to his diaper and we all wished we could've done the same!

Here the kids are walking out over the coy pond. Nat is VERY leary about the coy fish coming up and nibbling on her toes.

This is one hot baby!! Poor guy.

This is one heck of a view huh?

I've tried to post more pictures with this, but bloggers being contrary right now. I'll post more tommorrow. I'll also need your help because I got an abundance of PERFECT pictures of the kids that I want to use as our new family picture. Yes!! That's right...I got the PERFECT picture. I just need help narrowing them down. See ya tommorrow...I'm gonna go smell the rain. This day couldn't get any more perfect!

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Ok, nevermind. I'm truely sorry that I said anything the other day. I guess I went somewhere that I shouldn't have. And Jim was just trying to back me up. He may say it a little harsher, but really he just wanted to help accomplish what I was. NO, he didn't mean the sutff about kicking butt and bring it on. It's just how he words stuff. You guys KNOW that. He's a GOOD person. Dadgumit, you know if you need him he's there.

Honestly all I was hoping for was a happy couple of holiday gatherings this year. One where no one was having to bite their tounges and everyone was truely happy. Kinda corny and I feel like I shoud be "claymation" saying this. But it was all I was hoping to accomplish. But in turn, I've made people mad...Jim's made people mad. Someone who I love dearly told me not to mess with this kind of family stuff and to just let it be. She was right. I should have just let it be. I am sorry. I had no ill will with that blog. Really I didn't. I stupidly thought I could help. Jim sweetly and stupidly backed me up. He might have done it in a "bulldog" manner, but he just wants what I do.

Things have gone south due to my previous ramblings. Some have thought that it was JUST about them. And it wasn't. I'm not just back-peddleing(sp?) to cover my butt either. It was not just about 1 person/issue/family. It REALLY wasn't.

I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Now with our comments and comments that have ben returned to us (and I'm sorry...any comments that were directed to Jim...were directed to me cause he's mine.) we may have totaly shot this whole happy holidays in the foot. What are ya gonna do? I can't it back. It's already posted and out there. My intent got all twisted and bent and come across NOT at all as I wanted.

I do love you all. My comments my be unforgiveable and the comments that were recieved might be the same. But I do love you ALL! I was just trying to help. So was Jim. That's all. Any posts from here on out will just be about my sweet babies. It will be a "peaches-and-cream" kinda blog. I'll not post anything like this again. I'm sorry.

But I gotta just say ONE last thing. Jim's a good guy. He's a GREAT Dad. You can't just take isolated incidents lump them together and think you know what he's all about. He blows A LOT of steam and talks big. But it's just words, words that he uses to help vent. Not actions...just words. His actions...they're all about caring and love. I'm not just saying this crap. I'm not a little woosy, submissive wife. If I say these things about him..they are true. And because I just said this I think I am now becoming "claymation".

Again...sorry...I love you...Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

No more round bottom

He can sit up now! Here's some cute shots I took.

He loves bathtime. Those little hand go nuts splashing in the water!!

He's such a nut. Always trying to make us laugh. JUST like brother!!

He was "supposed" to be taking a nap. But you will notice that the bumper and blankets give away the truth!!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Family Feuds

I know that at least once in each of our lives we've had family feuds. Sometimes they are over "real" issues, sometimes they are a bunch of crap. I want to address the on-going CRAP issues that my families are feuding (silently) over.

I'm not looking to point anyone out here. I'm just wanting to address a true fact...this crap needs to freakin end! I'm (again) not addressing one person or group of people. I'm not trying to address just my family or Jim's. You know who you are and you know...surely you know buy now... that this is crap. I love you all so much and I'm telling you that this crap (I will use the term "crap" a lot and it is to replace a more harsh word) is just tearing the families apart piece by piece. Some of you are foolishly standing back and actually acting happy that you are pushing the other away. Some of you are foolishly thinking that the one person doesn't know how you are "slamming" their name. Some of you are just plain and simple playing the "lazy" card and putting no effort into acting like a family. Some of you are getting so damn selfish and money oritented that you're not paying attention to the fact that your turning your loves ones bitter (against you).

Guys, it's not hard to be a family & to be descent(sp?). It's not! We are so freaking blessed to have each other. We are so freaking blessed that we haven't had to endure the tragedy that other familys have...that we hear about on the news. But dammit that doesn't mean that it can't happen. The phrase has been said so often that it's not even thought twice about...but what if there were no tomorrow? What if?? Is this honestly how you guys want to leave this?? Really? Do you really not give a crap?

Now I've bitched quite extensively on this topic. No, nothing happened JUST today. These are just things that I've known about for a while now. I had wanted to address each one of you seperately, but I was honestly afraid that I'd be thrown into the "I hate you I'm not gonna talk to you" pit. I love you guys. Now I'm asking for the sake of everyone effected (or not), young or old, alive or not...I'm asking that you just PLEASE put this crap aside. It's not like most of us see each other everyday. Come on, the reality is that we have only a few select holidays or occasions together each year. Please try. Please try for what ever reason works for you. I've seen what happens to families that get torn apart by this crap. And you know what??? The people that get hurt are the ones that SOOO don't deserve it. Yeah, you may actually hurt the person you intended to hurt...but no where near like you hurt that person you didn't intend to hurt.

Does ANY of this rambling make any sense?

Not sure if anyone other than Jim will read this. Not sure anyone will care to respond to such a topic. Not sure if I haven't already been "banished to the other side of the island". But someone HAD to say it. And I just felt it was time cause we aren't getting any younger and these situations aren't getting any better on their own.

I love you all!! So much!! Angie

Thursday, August 04, 2005


We've all had moments in our life where we've been just dumbfounded. You may stumble, studder, maybe even faint. These situations make you have a loss of I am now. I "thought" I was dumbfounded yesterday when the man I had come out to mow my pasture #1) called 4x for me to give him the SAME directions, #2) mowed over and broke one of the 2 sprinkler heads that I showed him in my field...and said "please don't mow here", and #3) argued with me that 8 acres x $20 = $160 NOT $180....I almost sent Nat to get a damn calculater! ANYway...

Nope, that was not dumbfounded. This is dumbfounded....

We recieved a letter from the D.A. of Wise county stating that they need the info from the insurance company of what the total loss was and the total amount (including deductible) that insurance wouldn't and would be paying. The letter said that the defendant Gregory Gilbert Glover would owe us restitution. So I call to tell them that my insurance company will be forwaring that info to her (the DA is a "her" speak lightly). She says "Ok, but I must tell you that this case has been dissovled". This is where the dumbfoundedness kicks in.. I say...studderingly..."Wha-wha-wha what do you mean by dissovled". She tells me flatly that he has recieved 5 years probation. I say "F-f-f-f 5 years probation? That's it...that's all...? I thought he was going to jail." She doesn't give in, in the least. She comes back with "He will serve 5 years probation and if he violates that he'll serve 5 years in jail. And he will have to pay you restitution as part of his probation. Thank you, goodbye"...and click. ...BITCH!!!! I'm the f-ing victim here...why did I get treated as if I can't know anything about MY case!!

THIS....THIS is dumbfounded.

I call Jim to fill him in...same feeling overcomes him also. He is now dumbfounded, which turned to anger quickly (as you will read this evening in his blog). And since he will blog tonight...I'll let him take the story from here, which will (I'm sure) include the conversation with our investigator.

Justice at it's finest guys! But she is in an elected position and I'll do my damnedest to try and end that!

Monday, August 01, 2005


My last blog wouldn't let me post this..


Not everyone would see what I am about to mention as a major accomplishment...but to me it was!

About 4 years ago when we were unpacking into our new home in Justin I realized that Nat and Matt's baby books (that my Mom made and I filled in) were missing. Trust me when I say I went nuts trying to find these books, but we never have found them. I was and still am bummed out over this. These were the pictures of their first year. All that I can assume that happened was that they were left in a box (possibly covered in newspaper) and got thrown out :( I told my Mom about losing them and she said that between everyone that I'd given pictures to, we could recreate the books. I was just bummed still cause I loved the book that mom made and I wanted those pictures back.

Did I ever ask anyone for extra pictures??...nope...just kept putting it off.

Well as we were packing up to move to the house we are in now I came across a blue Walmart bag that was in a jammed drawer in the China cabinet/dresser (that was my Grandmothers). This drawer had been jammed and not opened since we lived in Abilene. Low and behold tha bag contained the copies of most of the pictures that were in Matt's old baby book. And there were several of Nat also. One a side note...I was upset about losing Nat's book, but since she was the 1st...I kinda took way more pictures of her and I have 2-3 other albums of her. SO...needless to say finding this Walmart bag (some of you who know my feelings about Walmart will see the irony in this) made me elated!

So...did I get right on to recreating those baby books....NOPE! I got distracted name it... Well I finally decided that I was gonna wait no longer. I went and found two very cute baby books and while NAa was at Mom and Dad's... I got them done! They aren't scrapbooked, but they are "albumed" and this was a major accomplishment for me...MAJOR! I like these books cause they have places to write in them and that will be my next feat...get the dates all written in, and this could be quite challanging, but it'll get done...someday ;)