Monday, September 26, 2005

Interesting ride home...

From the mouths of babes...

I never really took this phase to mean much. But I get it now. ESPECIALLY with my children. Today Matt informed me that he is the 3rd boss. My response..."HUH?!?" It appears that my child is in the 2nd grade mofia of some sort. He's the 3rd boss of this. Apparently if the 2 other bosses get bumped off (or change schools, get sick, ect...) he is 1st boss. ..ok... Then he tells me that people give him their quarters and he gets them cookies. At first I was afraid that he was taking the quarters by force (mafia style) and keeping the cookies for himself. Then he tells me "no" he gets the money and gets the cookies for them. I asked why he does this and he said that he's their server. I asked why he would want to do this, cause to me it sounds like he's getting used. He said he liked to to this and it gives him exercise...and it's like a massage for his feet....??? Okey dokey.

Then Nat get's in and we are headed home. Matt then starts a new criminals get fed...even if they are sentanced to death? Well Nat takes on this answer and tells him that if you didn't feed them that would be like committing murder and then the guards/police are no different than the criminals. Then Matt looks to me to verify that she's not him and I say that this is true. He asks "why, if they are really bad, and sentanced to die anyway, should we waste food on them?" Hummm... good point. I thought about trying to explain that prisoners have the same (and sometimes more) rights than we do and we can't treat them with cruel and unusual punishment....but I didn't, and we changed subjects again.

Matt now asks if Hurricane Rita's gone. I say yes. We talk about how they are calling Rita the "little sister" of Katrina. Then he asks if a hurricane can pull you up in it. I say (with my limited knowledge) that a hurricanes wind will blow you down and tornados pull things into it. Nat then jumps in with her explaination (now keep in mind she says the following with complete innocence)..she tells Matt "Hurricanes blow and tornandos suck.." as tears well up in my eyes and I try so hard not to laugh...I say "that's true true!"



Well that was a interesting car ride for sure!!!! Hope you all have a great night with Carrie. Love ya Beth

The Oldies said...

Thats my grandkids

Kim :) said...

What a great story!! Got to love hearing the children doing this! Thanks for sharing. :)

Kay said...

That sounds like a one of the all time greatest Matthew stories. And Natalie's explaination is priceless. I can just see you trying to not laugh and drive and keep a straight fact! I love them and all of you so much!

P.S. Tell "Don" Matthew to keep up his good work.