Sunday, October 02, 2005

My kids and our special guests

I am so proud of my kids. They both made all A honor rolls and had perfect attendance this 6 weeks. It's such a nice feeling to know that your kids are smarter than you were in school. I love it! Natalie got a free meal certificate to go to Chili's (which he kindly gave to her friend Daniella since she didn't get to make all A' sweet) and Matt got a sticker to put on my truck. I will proudly display it too!!

I'm also very proud of Brayden, he can hold his bottle now...when he wants to :) And he's doing more of a "real" crawl now...especially when he's wanting to "ham" it up for the camera! Also, I took him to the doctor for a 8mo. checkup. For anyone who's picked him up lately & wondered "good grief what does this baby weigh??" 23.5lbs.!! I knew he was a chunk...well, my back knows, but that was crazy to hear cause Matt (my biggest @ birth) didn't weigh that until 18 mos!!!

It is so sweet how my big kids love the baby. They can't resist stopping to play or kiss on him. Don't get me wrong...they DO hole up in their rooms and play games and watch TV for most of their free time, but when they come out, they always stop to love on him.

In other news... we had some special guests this past week. Carrie, Guy, and Olivia stayed with us while they were looking for a place to live here in the metroplex. It was a nice visit. We got to see Olivia for the first time in person...MAN what a cutie!!

Here's a sweet picture of Brayden and Olivia chilling on the bed after baths.
We also got to meet Guy for the first time. He's a really nice guy and him and Carrie look very happy together, even with all that they've had to go thru lately! The very next night my parents arrived back safely for their 2 week vacation to Conn. They got in late, but me and the kids got to visit with them the next morning before they left.

Last, but not least...Matt got his new 4-wheeler. HAD to have it for the dunes trip set for next weekend. He's on cloud 9! I tried it out and think it's entirely too fast for him, but he and his Dad seem to think otherwise. Here's him and his new ride.

Now, if any of you have the chance...check out the photos that my nephew posted from Germany and Paris (his name is Wesley, see the link on the right side if this page). He took some really good pictures. And if you feel so inclined, post a comment. ESPECIALLY if you're a Brzezinski, Horton, or Boggs :)!!

Hope you're having a nice weekend!


Kim :) said...

Way to go Mat and Nat!! Those sounds like some wonderful report cards. :)

Brayden changes every time I see him! Can't wait to see him again in person. :)

Loved all the pictures you shared! Hope you guys have a wonderful week.


Olivia looks so little next to Brayden hahaha -- Glad you had a great visit -- Boys and their toys goodness!