Thursday, October 13, 2005

I'm still here...

Thank you to those of you who expressed concern since you hadn't seen me blog in a while. #1 - I'm been so sinking busy I honestly hadn't had a chance, and #2 - I didn't get the response I'd hoped for on my last blog...and it even had picutres. So as any of you know (who blog), you lose the will to blog when you feel no one reading it.

Now to catch up on current events...
Last weekend me, Nat, and Brayden went to stay the extended weekend with my Mom and Dad while Jim and Matt went to the dunes. We all had a wonderful visit as always. We got to eat fish on Friday at the Cafe, we got to see 2 of my sisters, nat go tto see her cousins Jordan and Lorrin, I got to visit with Wesley on the phone, got to go shopping with Mom (and visit extensively), and go to have a great time with Dad watching Brayden cruise all over the carport. Natalie also go to go on cat patrol in the barn with Karen. Dad thought there were kittens up there, but wasn't sure. They had no luck and went over to visit Deb. Right after they leave...2 kittens emereged Which didn't please the stray momma cat and she promptly moved her babies the next day. But these kittens were quickly replaced (the same day) with another set of kittens from their other cat. Nat was pleased!! Dad took her to see them, but that momma wasn't ready for visitors yet.

While there we got to go and have a very nice visit with Kay (Jim's Mom). Natalie had a big time there. She found a duck egg and wnated to be it's adopted mother. She was not going to listen to any of us when we told her that you can't hatch one that you find on the ground. Oh no, she had high hopes that she could hold it to her for the 28 day incubation period. OR possibly speed up the process and put it on a heating pad or just pop it in the microwave. Well she finally gave up on hte idea and went back outside to find a batch of baby bunnies. She came inside to show me one of them and to OF COURSE ask if we could keep it. I told her that was just coyote bait. After a fun time at Grandma Roanie's (Kay's) we headed to Karen and Mark's for a quick stop off. They have a really nicely landscaped home and Nat loves to see the animals there too. She got to visit with the goats and the jenny...along with Karen and Mark.

We headed to Big Spring that night to meet up with Jim and Matt so I could take Matt back with me. We stopped and ate at a pretty good chinese resturant, visitied for about an hour and got to hear about Matt's adventures at the dunes. All in all he had a good time. Even though he had a wreck and his tooth punctures right below his bottom lip. Upon furthur inspection I found several other blisters which I later learned were where a few other teeth tried to come thru! His poor litle lip looked like he had a dip in it cause it was pooched out so far. When he woke up the next day I was concerned cause he was makeing green oozy scabs in his mouth. So after our 3 hour ride home I took him to the after hours clinic in Decatur and the doctor said it was infected.

After the doctor's office and our hour wait for meds at Wally World we headed to the house with Bobby and family. They stayed with us since both Bailey and Delaynee had check ups with their doctors at Cook's the next day. We didn't get to visit much, but it was nice to have them over. They left before 8am the next day.

Yesterday was also eventful... I had to take the baby to the doctor. He's gotten his first cold of the season. Sad to say its a virus and I can't make him better right away with some antibiotics. When I got home from the doctors, I got a call from Bill (Jim's cousin). He called to say that Lisa's water broke a week and a day before her due date and they'd be having Jolie today! I called to tell Jim..who was on his way home from the dunes. Not too long after I told jim, Bill called back and they'd had her at 4:09pm and she was 8lbs 11 oz. and 20 inches long with long hair. We can't wait to get to see her!! This is the same cousin that just UPSed us 71 pounds of clothes for Brayden (sizes 18 mos - 3T). UNREAL! I've never seen so many baby clothes. I'm on my 5th X-tra large load of baby clothes and have at least one more to do. Needless to say..we are set till he's out of 3t's!!

Jim's home now and things are a little less chaotic(sp?) for me. The baby is still in a very "hold me" mood..but he's sleeping now and that's why I decided to wirte (rather than work). Things will get crazy (and fun) again this weekend when we head to Abilene to stay with our DEAR friends Gary and Kim and family. we are headed back not only ot get to visit with them, but Jim will be helping my parents with fuel sales at the racetrack. It's the Southern Challenge...the biggest race of the year. The total purse is $72,000! So it'll be an action packed weekend for sure. Plus I'll have the opportunity to sit in on Kim's Crop Party (scrapbooking) and I'll get ot se and hopefully learn some cool things.

Ok, that was a ton of writing and I can honestly say that I probably won't post anything else till next week....especially if I don't get hardly any comments this time ;)~~~ Just playing. I know I'm not the only one who's busy! Have a great week!


Kay said...

Wow! What a wild time at the dunes and at all the grandparents houses. I am so glad that you came to visit us and I sure hope Brayden gets better. Tell Natalie that the rabbits are still hanging around and that Linda wouldn't let Jake take one home either. Hope Matt's lip is better. I can't wait to hear all about his adventures in the sand. Love, K


I see a Mouth piece in someone's future!!!! Poor Nat just wants to have something to nurture!!! She needs a pet in her room -- get her a baby turtle!!! hahaha Hope Brayden gets better everyone here has had that crap except Scott and Granny!! Carrie and Guy will be moved in sometime next week!! Sad for us glad for you!!! Love ya Beth

Kim :) said...

Glad to see your post!! It is tough when you take time to post and don't get much feed back on it, but I for one check in on you and Jim every day in hopes of an update.

Hope that everyone is feeling better and and healing well now! Goodness, those kids!

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

Jim said...

Keep on writing, Momma. You gotta take up my slack, just like in everything else, according to you, chuckle chuckle.


wes said...

YES!!! Battle wounds from riding. Too bad you didn't have any pics of that. I miss seeing people getting messed up from bikes and four-wheeelers. Seriosly, I hope his lip gets too feeling better and Braden gets over his cold. Later

The Oldies said...

You two guys are like the energizer bunny, you keep going and going an going!!