Friday, September 02, 2005

Well Matthew said...

"Well Matthew said..." - This comes from a convestation that my sister Cheryl had with my Dad. Can't remember the topic, but Matthew had convinced my sister Cheryl (of something a little far fetched) and when my Dad questioned her, she replied with "well Matthew said..."

Anyone who knows Matthew, knows that he is one good story teller. A good majority of the time these stories can quickly become TALL tales. Especially if you show real interest and act as if you truely believe that YES he did indeed encounter wild panthers on his last 4-wheeler outing with his Dad. Lucky for him Dad had up-ed the speed of his 4-wheeler so that he was able to escape near death!!!

And as we are nearing his 8th birthday (Sept. 3rd) he is learning to refine his stories a little better each day and he's getting more and more heartfelt! In the short ride in between his and Nat's school he tells me in his "whispering" voice (not much softer than his normal voice...due to Brayden sleeping) that it is just TERRIBLE what happened to Daddy's cousin (Carrie, her husband Guy, and baby Olivia...mentioned on Jim and Beth's blog). He says that he definately wants to become a billionaire and not a police man now. (I mentioned this conversation many blogs ago) He basically told me that is a true testament as to way he should be a billionaire. He said that when people like Carrie had bad things happen to them, he's just gonna give then a million dollars to help them get their stuff back. And if they wanted to they could all come live with him in his mansion (in London). And he wants me to help him build it so that there's enough room for all his family! Does this kid have a heart or what!!!

Now as sweet as that topic was, we obviously needed to move on and he wanted to know if his friend was right about the number: 1,000million. I tried to explain that that's not exactly a number. Matt has a thing about trying to come up with the biggest number imaginable. It can be quite mind rattleing trying to explain "infinity" to I typically turn this over to Jim.

The last topic he needed address before we got to Nat's school was about my speedometer. He asked "where is it ok to do 120?" I said "Not really anywhere". Matt says "well why is there 120 on there if you aren't supposed to do that?". Uhhh...anyone whant to help me here??? All I say is "I'm not sure buddy." He says that they need to just stop speedometers at 90 or what ever the fastest speed is that you can go on the autobaughn. Wes, Kim, Gary...what would that speed be?

Well that was it for our daily chat since he promptly must run out ot Nat's playground and look for his friend that he plays with till Nat comes to the car. I didn't talk about my other 2 sweet babaies this time cause this was dedicated just to Matt in honor of his birthday. If any of you have any funny/bizarre stories about my Matt, I'd love to hear them...heck we all would.


The Oldies said...

Cheryl left the top of the stove up in the RV, when asked why she left it up when it should be down in the closed position, she said well matt said thats the way it should be, and as we all know cheryl is easy to convince.
Well who could forget the carrot soup. According to my grandson Mr Matt his mom was so mad at his dad that she threw a whole pan of carrot soup at him, we didn't get the rest of the story cause his dad gave him a look that said--- nuff said.

The Oldies said...
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This is scott writing here. Happy birthday matt.
I had fun with him when we were down there. He loves that playstation especially his trick game. 8 yrs old and already convincing. Look out you two when he is 15 and older. He just might pull the rug out from u and say he didnt but u could have sworn he did.


Happy Birthday Buddy -- love ya and I am sure Carrie would love to know that you wanted to help her!! I will tell her tomorrow!

The Oldies said...

Have spent a lot of time with Matt in 8 uears and he usually can sweet talk me into about anything. Love you Matt and Happy B-day

Kim :) said...

Hope Matthew had a wonderful birthday! I am so glad we got to see you guys weekend before last. As Gary said we were amazed at that little guy, his personallity has changed, but yet it stays the same. :) He will always be a great story teller, that is just the Matthew we come to love!

Love ya buddy, hope your speical day was a good one!


What happened with you and Jim no post lately