Thursday, January 26, 2006

It's a BOY!

Well...that's what we said one year ago yesterday. This went by way too fast for Momma! I JUST had him....didn't I? This one was supposed to take his time growing up...wasn't he? He is a sweetie and we all feel so blessed to have him in our lives!

He got to go for his 1 year check up yesterday. He got a shot, but he was a tough guy and only squeezed out one tear. The doctor said we will now take him off the Zantac and see how he does. If that goes good we'll then take him off his formula with rice in it. The last step will be to take him off his Bathanacol that he takes at night. Hopefully this will be a smooth process.

Brayden got to open his present last night and he was much more into it than at Christmas. Probably wasn't as overwhelming. He got a ball pit that he loves! And a new Leap Frog toy from Cheryl and family and he's really into that (Thank you Cheryl. I wanted to get him this toy at Christmas, but had already gone overboard so I had to stop. It is such a cool toy and has tons of activities! THANK YOU!) We also got him a pop up toy and some bath toys. Brayden was quite pleased! Here's some pictures of him in all his cuteness.

Here he is in his ball pit.

He's just so delighted that he's gonna be allowed to shred!

Nat's helped him get started on some of his presents. But it didn't take long for him to figure it out:)

Matt didn't admit it, but I think he was having as much fun as Brayden was with the new toys! big happy baby!!


Kim :) said...

Happy Birthday Brayden!!! It is very hard to believe that he is alrady a year old!! The time goes by much to quickly!!! He looks like he really enjoyed himself on his big day. I will keep my fingers crossed and say a prayer that he will be able to go off the meds smoothly! Love you guys!

Kay said...

I can't believe that our baby is already a year old. Where did it go and is it possible that Natalie will be 11 next week?? Where did that go??? I hope that Brayden will be able to quit taking his medicines. I know it will be a relief to everyone if it works out. I will get the savings bonds for Brayden and Natalie on payday. Hope to see you next weekend. Love, K


Happy Birthday big guy!!!! I hope all goes well with the medicine ordeal -- could be rough!!! Is he still sleeping all night??

Jim said...

Blessed indeed, you bet we are. That's MY boy, uh, er, I mean my other boy. OK, I got it, that's my LITTLE boy, there we go! Can't go dissin' my BIG boy, or my girl either.

I love them all, and you too.

Jim, Dad, Daddy, or grmnph beep boop. I answer to them all.

The Oldies said...

He looks so happy and so do Matt and Nat. Hope the transition goes well with the zantac. He has got to the one year mark to soon.

Love you

Angie said...

Beth - yes, he sleeps most every night from 10-8:30am ish. He still has his restless night from time to time. But for about 3 weeks now he's down for all night. Good sleep for Momma :)

suzspeaks said...

He is ADORABLE!!!!