Tuesday, January 31, 2006

It's a GIRL!

...and that's what we said 11 years and 15 hours ago :) Here's some pictures of Nat opening presents yesterday and showing off her birthday outfit (not suit). Would LOVE to have ANYONE comment. Sure makes blogging more fun when people reply :)

Matt was sweet enough to make his sister a card...on his own free will (which I thought made it even sweeter!). You might be able to mak it out, but it says "...to an awesome sister..." Nat didn't see just how sweet that was, but maybe one day she will.

Here she is in all her beauty showing off her birthday outfit.

She wanted to make sure you knew that she could twirl in this skirt! She VERY proud of this outfit...if you couldn't tell!

Brayden recognized the wrapping paper right off and had no clue that it wasn't his. But sister said she wanted his help...and so away he tore!

Where'd the baby go?

Yup, he went into the bag. You never know...there could've been more goodies in there :)

Thank you for all the birthday cards, calls, emails, and wishes for our VERY special little girl that has indeed touched our lives in so many wonderful ways!!


**if you wanted to know how the sleepover went...see the blog below**


The Oldies said...

I remember the moment she was born, the Dr. said we have to get this baby out NOW, he scared me as he was talking about my baby girl who was giving birth to her baby girl. She was and is such a blessing to all of our lives. love Dad

The Oldies said...

Mr Matt is a very deep person , he can go from a loving brother to that other guy in a heart beat. That makes him all the more fun to be around cause you do not know whats next!

Pam Berryman said...

Such a pretty young lady, all grown up. The outfit is divine. I remember you at Martha's last year. Just sweetness. Hope you got everything you wanted on your birthday.

The Oldies said...

That was sweet of Matt to give his sis a card. She will apprciate it much more when she is grown up. Great outfit. And Mr. Brayden says I helped. Love Mom


Great Outfit Nat -- Can I borrow it??? Yeah right huh - not big enough! Hope all your Birthday wishes came true! I love you

suzspeaks said...

She is beautiful! Happy birthday to her!!

suzspeaks said...

I love the skirt too!!!

Kay said...

What a great bunch of kids! Nat is beautiful in her outfit and Matt is so sweet to tell her how awesome she is. Of course, he is just stating all of our feelings. Brayden is a Big Help! I sure he had lots of fun with the bag! Love You All K

Kim :) said...

Oh those are great pictures!!! The card that Mat made for Nat is just great!! SHe will appreciate it more one of these days. :) Loved the picture of Brayden crawling into the sack. LOL Crazy little guy. Happy Birthday Nat!

wes said...

Sorry I'm late
Happy B-day Nat