Friday, February 24, 2006

Say a Prayer for Tina, Billy, and Family

Today Tina (my sister in law) lost her Grandma. She lost her struggle with cancer after a very hard fight. If you've read Billy's recent blog you'll see that things have been quite hard and stressful lately.

So I just ask that you think of them and say a prayer for them today and the days ahead as they morn Betty. She was very loved and charished by her family.

I love you Tina, Billy, Taylor, and Tyler and I'm sorry for your sadness. I wish I could give you all a hug right now, but since I can't..please hug each other for me :)

Monday, February 20, 2006

Weekend stuff

As I've mentioned before, this was Matt's last basketball game this past weekend. He made 4 points for us, but we were unable to pull off another win. It didn't matter to Matt cause he got to show off his stuff to Granny and James. They came to watch his last game and to visit for most all day on Saturday. It was a nice visit and we loved having them here! Here's some shots from the game. Nat did the filming for me this time

Matt has just taken a shot. It was a close one, but not a point maker :)

Brayden found a comfy seat in Papa's lap and had a good time flirting with Granny.

Matt is a very controlled dribbler and he took the ball down court numerous times!

After the game we all headed to Walmart. We had groceries to buy and Granny needed a new TV. Granny and James left about 6pm. Jim and Matt headed to the haircut part and me, Nat, and Brayden went to the groceries. Last weekend Nat got to have her haircut like she did last year. It was a hole in the wall place that I took her, but the lady did a nice job.

We are finally having winter here and it's been nice to bundle up and light a fire...and find an excuse to put Brayden in this CUTE hat from Mason (Skidmore)!!

And here's just a cute shot to wrap up today's blog...

Dad and Billy - Sure would love to hear from you guys again! Even if it's just a one liner :)

If you have the chance, drop by Wes's blog and offer him some congrats! I'm sure he'd love to hear from more of us :)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Sorry guys...

I had a HUGE post written up for tonight and I just lost it ALL! Stinking Blogger's made me angry so I won't write it all again. Maybe tomorrow...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day!

I wanted to share the sweet Valentine that Matt made last night. He said it's raining hearts :) Hope you all have a wonderful day!!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Catching up...

Matthew came home with a letter from school saying he'd been picked to do a UIL event. Can anyone guess the event? Story telling!!! I tried so hard to not just bust out laughing. I guess I was smirking pretty bad cause Matt asked "Why's that funny?" I just simply replied "Well it's just your teachers know you well baby :)" He wasn't thinking he wanted to do it, but I told him to just go try it out and see what he thinks. HE LOVES IT...go figure!?! I'm very proud of him and so glad he can have a event that suits him so well! They have a couple of afterschool practices, and then they get to "compete" for the Story Telling "team". Only 3 out of 7 will be picked. And ya know what??? He's really pumped to make it. I told him to just do his best and that all we could ask for.

He has 2 more games left. And these boys are just doing awesome (see Jim's blog about last weeks game if you haven't already). They play this Saturday @ 1:30 and next Saturday @ 3:30pm and then that's it. And let me tell you, these aren't boring games. They'll keep you on the edge of your seat. If you can make it to one of these, you'll be glad you did...and Matt would too :)

Was just got the paper work to sign Nat up for softball. Her and Daddy are READY! The draft will be on the 27th and games will start on March 25th (I think).

She's still loving everything about art. I haven't seen her latest creation, but I know it'll be wonderful!!

She watched "the film" yesterday and I must say she was very mature about it. Some of her friends were dingbats...but that's to be expected. She said the boys said it was distrubing :) We talked a little about it and she made it very easy on me. I was sooo not anticipating this talk. But I feel I pulled thru ok :)

Brayden had his 3 month eye check up today and the doctor said he's looking great!! We can wait for 6 months before going back again...YEA! He's hoping that since the drifting has become so minimal that this is something that will be gone by the time he's 2. SO HAPPY!!

Brayden's started a sport also...pass the ball. He will play as long as you roll it to him. By far the funnest thing yet!! I've also moved several toys out of the living room and into his room and he's really enjoying the "independance" of his room. And I'm loving less clutter :)

Jim and I are still amazing ourselves over our weight loss. I personally have a long way to go, but I'll get there and I know Jim will too! This has been a very gratifying experience and I'm shocked at how easy Weight Watchers is to do! To date Jim's lost 23 lbs (I think) and I've lost 18. Woo Hoo...

Hope you all have a great (work-free) weekend!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

The Birthday Party

The birthday party was GREAT! I think everyone had a good time...I know I did! We had it at Main Event in Grapevine. We started off doing Laser Tag. Natalie, Matthew, Jim, Bailey, Bobby, Krista, Laura, Cheryl, Brianna (from softball) and her brother Dillon all played and from listening to them afterward...they had a BLAST! Since Chloe was too little to play, I gave her her game cards early and her, Chanda, and DeLaynee went and played games. Chloe was so cute..she went to go play a virtual soccer game and you kick a real soccer ball towards a "virtual" goalie (it's an image projected up on a wall). She was doing so awesome and wanted a "grandpa" to she went an grabbed my Dad. He really thought that was pretty neat. He'll take all the grandkids he can get :)

After Laser Tag was over, the sweaty taggers and the reast of us headed to the party room for pizza, soda, and cakes. Brayden was being kinda of a grump when when all the kids we eating pizza. But then it was cake time and he was about to experience something he'd never had....C-A-K-E!!

Here's a picture of Nat's brownie cake.

Here's the cake that Walmart gives free to a baby's first b-day.

This is the cake we ordered.

Happy birthday to you, cha-cha-cha....

Nat was very pleased with all the she got...of course :)

Matt and Dillon had a great time with tag and all the games!

Last but not least...."Oh Boy, is this for ME???"

"This is the BEST stuff EVER!!!" I thought it was pretty fantastic too since I haven't cheated for 4 weeks...OH MY!

All in all it was a GREAT time. Thank you to everyone who came. And we missed all those who couldn't.