Monday, February 20, 2006

Weekend stuff

As I've mentioned before, this was Matt's last basketball game this past weekend. He made 4 points for us, but we were unable to pull off another win. It didn't matter to Matt cause he got to show off his stuff to Granny and James. They came to watch his last game and to visit for most all day on Saturday. It was a nice visit and we loved having them here! Here's some shots from the game. Nat did the filming for me this time

Matt has just taken a shot. It was a close one, but not a point maker :)

Brayden found a comfy seat in Papa's lap and had a good time flirting with Granny.

Matt is a very controlled dribbler and he took the ball down court numerous times!

After the game we all headed to Walmart. We had groceries to buy and Granny needed a new TV. Granny and James left about 6pm. Jim and Matt headed to the haircut part and me, Nat, and Brayden went to the groceries. Last weekend Nat got to have her haircut like she did last year. It was a hole in the wall place that I took her, but the lady did a nice job.

We are finally having winter here and it's been nice to bundle up and light a fire...and find an excuse to put Brayden in this CUTE hat from Mason (Skidmore)!!

And here's just a cute shot to wrap up today's blog...

Dad and Billy - Sure would love to hear from you guys again! Even if it's just a one liner :)

If you have the chance, drop by Wes's blog and offer him some congrats! I'm sure he'd love to hear from more of us :)


The Oldies said...

OK billy your turn!

Kim :) said...

I konw how those Dads are Angie.. Mine has been MIA for a while, got to give them a swift kick sometimes. :)

Loved all the pictures!! WE are looking forward to seeing you all this weekend! Can't wait. :)


Great Pics -- love the hair Nat! Miss you guys

Pam Berryman said...

Sweet pictures, very cute kids.
Enjoy them while they are little, they grow up so fast.
Pam B.

Pam Berryman said...

Sweet pictures, very cute kids.
Enjoy them while they are little, they grow up so fast.
Pam B.