Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Well I really didn't want to do another pictureless post, but here it goes. I have finally gonna and bought another battery charger for my camera and so I can finally use it again. I'd planned on taking pictures at yesterday's game...but if you read Jim's post, you'll see why I was too distracted to even remember the dang camera till after we left. Anyway....

Jim is gone today to Lubbock to sit with his Pop in the hospital. He just had surgery to remove 2 tumors, several lymph nodes, and a large section of his colon...Due to colon cancer (stage 3). Jim said they've never said that they "got it all", but that they are to come back in a month and decide what to do for treatment. His Pop also has a pace maker so treatment will have to be tailored quite a bit.

Natalie has been doing FANTASTIC in school and with her decreased meds. We (and she) couldn't be more pleased. We'll just continue to take it day by day. She finished her weasel and MAN, it's awesome...I'll take a picture and post it soon. She's now doing a hog in pen and ink. She (and the rest of the girls from what I can tell) are having a great time with softball...even after last night.

Matthew is Matthew :) He keeps me on my toes....in the "know"...and often causes my eye brow to raise from his current tall tales. His current favorite book is the Guinness (sp?) Book of World Records. So every 5 seconds I hear "Hey Mom, did you know that ______?" And every so often he'll throw in a "Matthew made" fact and there goes my eyebrow :)

Brayden is much more verbal. And he's found different octaves too! And I don't mean the low ones either. He doesn't necessarily scream to be ugly...he just does it to scream...and it's LOUD! He can say "thank you" and "uh-oh" now and it's very cute. When Jim or I call Matthew he tries REALLY hard to say his name and he gets fairly close. Natalie has been and still is Nae-Nae.

I'm still putting along with my weight loss. And I joined Curves and really like it. I recommend it to anyone who's considering it. I have high hopes to still reach my weight loss goal by the time we leave for vacation at the end of June. Jim will post our (and those who continue on the Biggest Loser) weights on Friday. So stay tuned...

Cheryl - we'd love to hear from again.
Wes and Billy - post pictures when you can.
Dad - "Let's Eat" is getting old. Fill us in on some racing :)
Beth - glad you decided no to leave us.
Reagan - Love all the baby picutres!! Shes so sweet!!
Kim - drawing a blank or not..always love to hear from ya :)



Congrats on the weight lose and But not the gain!! hahaha Glad all the kids are doing great and wish I could see the Nat's artwork in person!

Kim :) said...

Thanks Sweetie.. When I draw the blanks I start to wonder if I am boring everyone and should just stop babbling. lol Thanks for the reassurance though!

Sounds like your family is doing great! :) I really enjoyed reading about everyone. Makes me feel as if we were there! I will keep Pop in my thoughts and prayers though everything! I am glad that Jim was able to go there and be with him for a while!

Hope you all have a wonderful week, looking forward to pictures soon!

Love ya,