Thursday, April 27, 2006

Thinking Cap

"Put on your thinking cap...." is a phrase I've used for a long time with the kids and was a phrase I was told many a time back when I was in school. And I try, in my everyday life to keep my thinking cap on. And I try to make the best choices I can, no matter what the circumstances are. Like for instance, when we were reorganizing things in the yard. I was trying to accomplish a nicely laid out backyard. I've never really found a "home" for the trampoline. It constantly gets moves around. Well when Jim told me that the plywood that's been laying just to the left of the sand box (forever) could be used in the attic as flooring...I decided that since the grass was already dead there, that this would be a good home for the trampoline.

I "thought" this was a good place for it. Now take a moment and analyze this picture. Look and see if you notice what I've done. If you're my Mom or "might" know where this is going (since they jinxed me after yesterday's phone call...). Look again, if you haven't seen it already.

Now play as if you can look at this arrangement through Matthew's eyes....

Yeah, some of your already saw what I didn't see when I moved the trampoline here. The roof to the sandbox was no longer a "roof", but a launching pad.

Now, mind you...Matt did stop and put the "thinking cap" on....

...but quickly tossed it to the side and said.... "cap, what cap...waaahhhooo"

Yeah, he's fine. He's now attempted this stunt enough times that he's now bored with it. ....until tomorrow, when it's raining...and slick!!!

Now back to the "thinking cap" and MY attemps to use it. Possibly I've once again forgotten to put it on. Because as a mother, wasn't I "supposed" to yell "stop, no.." as I saw Matt throw his leg up onto the roof of the sand box and hoist himself up? But instead...I run to find my camera in hopes to have a good blog topic.... Was the thinking cap being used...I'm thinking NOT!


The Oldies said...

Matt now you can go from the sand bow to the trampoline to the pool!!! Go matt go!

Reagan said...

Ok I'll admit I missed the roof and thought only of the pool! Ask Jim about jumping from our balcony to the trampoline in KC or hell just ask him about jumping with a knee brace on (using your thinking cap....I think not!)
Way to go just convince mom to move it closer to the pool or maybe even in the pool!

The Oldies said...

Mom watch me fly!!

Kim :) said...

*laughing* This cracked me up!! Now I don't feel so bad when I stop to take pictures of situations like this instead of making them stop!! Love it!! And I have to say that I first thought of the pool in the front, but then figured if the sandbox is where it was before that would be to far of a jump, even if he bounced really high to get into the pool.

TOO Funny!! Another lesson learned from our children... It doesn't hurt to toss the thinking cap to the side and just have fun!


I thought it was the pool!!!! That is really funny! I am with your parents on the sandbox, trampoline, and then the pool!

Kay said...

Beth is right. Ask Jim about jumping off the roof of the shed into the pool when we lived on County Line Road. I am surprised that he and Bobby actually lived to tell about it. Besides, boys will be boys!

Jim said...

I never jumped off of a balcony onto a trampoline, that was your brother, not me. And Mom, I called Bobby and we are in agreement that we never jumped off the poolhouse into the pool. It had a tin roof, too damn hot, also slick when your feet are wet.

Mistaken Identity
