Monday, May 08, 2006


I got a call from the ENT's office today saying that they have Brayden's test results back. She said that he VERY allergic to eggs, but only allergic to eggs. Their reasoning as to why he was getting sick (prior to soy milk) was that I was giving him products with eggs in them...while on whole milk. But telling me that the milk and eggs have no relation...just had too much eggs product in his system. But I'm confused cause since taking him off milk and putting him on soy, he hasn't gotten sick like that! And I looked, almost all of the baby prepackaged foods (frozen and canned/jarred) have some sort of egg product in them. And the nurse told he to give him absolutely NOTHING with egg in it! And she was making it sound like life or death!?!? She also added that he NEEDS to be on whole milk and off the soy.

My brain hurts!

And the thing that's even more frustrating is (not only with the ENT, but also the pediatrician) when you question "well why hasn't he thrown up since..." and "why doesn't all the food I've been giving him make him sick (with egg)...", well they almost act offended. Like I'm supposed to just shut up and do as they say. Or act like I'm just arguing with them. And I'm not... I just want CLEAR answers. Definitive ones. I (we..) have already went thru the unclear/no answer crap with Natalie's disorder. Anyway...

I know that the pediatrician fed up with me and all my questions and the ENT's already seeming that way, just after one visit. Maybe it's just me. I'm gonna hopefully have Jim by my side this follow visit with the ENT. And if he gets the same vibe, then I think it's time to go to different doctors. None of this is life or death. Brayden's just fine. I just want to make sure that I'm not giving him any foods that disagree with his tummy so that he can have a great day every day possible...ya know?!?



With Mason's allergy testing they said he was allergic to wheat, white potatoes, and peanuts. Well he eats French Fries like crazy and pancakes all of which have wheat flour in them. Well when he eats alot of these products his nose runs. So his allergies just make his nose run - that is what is so weird about his allergies. We used to give him benadryl daily prior to the allergy testing - he had to stay off the antihistamines for 2 weeks for the test - his nose didn't run at all while he was off the benadryl -- so I guess he was allegic to antihistamines too!!! Crazy freak things that happen to our children!!!

The Oldies said...

Please go to another doctor, this is too crazy!!


Oh I forgot to tell you an ENT didn't do Mason's testing it was an Allergist! So maybe that has something to do with the answers that you are getting

Kim :) said...

I agree with you mom and Dad.. Go to another doctor!! If your current doctors are going to treat you like that when you are simply trying to understand things. You don't need them. You asking questions is a good thing you shouldn't have to just take their word for it and move on. They are there to help you! Or should be at least!

{{{Hugs}} I hope you can get someone to talk to you without giving you an attitude about things!