Monday, May 15, 2006

I'm here...

If you've wondered where Jim and I have been (blog wise), but internet's been down since Monday night and we've only been on dial up. And let me tell you, trying to do my job thru dial up has been pure hell. So needless to say, the least time I could be in dial up the better. I'm back up now, but mostlikely I'll be back down again tomorrow cause there's still more repairs to be done.

Everyone's doing good. Just got thru with a fun week full of softball. We got 2 wins, 1 tie, and 1 forfeit (which is now not a forfeit and we'll play them on Thurs. And then Saturday will be the playoff tournament to determine who goes to the Denton Tournament.

Jim will try to post the weights tonight. He's currently working the concession stand.

Hope all the Mom's who read this had a great Mother's Day. We had a very nice visit with mine and Jim's Mom. It was too short as always, but any visit is great :)

I'll try to blog again later this week, but for now I gotta go catch up on everything that's been put to the side.


Kay said...

We really enjoyed the visit on Mother's Day! I just wish it could of been longer. I Love You All Bunches!!!

Kim :) said...

Great to see your post! :) I hope they get your internet working full time again soon!

Hope you guys have a wonderful week! It was great getting to see you all for a bit this weekend!

Love ya,


Hope the girls do awesome in the next few games so they can go to the big tournament! Mother's Day was great and I had a nice one!