Wednesday, May 31, 2006

One Full Weekend down, One to go...

We had a good Memorial Day weekend...and I hope all of you did also. We left out Friday afternoon to Mom and Dad's to visit and to take the kids to them so they could head out for camping at Junction on Sunday. Jim helped Dad at the races...which got rained out and Mom nad I hung out, shopped, let the kids play in the pool, and watched "The Perfect Man"..pretty cute. Sunday we all packed back up and Mom, Dad, Nat, Matt, Lorrin, and Jordan headed off to Junction. This will be the first camping trip in their new trailer. VERY NICE and much bigger. Jim, Brayden, and I headed to San Angelo to visit with our friends Penny and Brian and their kiddos Bridget and Brian. Brian and little Brian are Jim and Matt's Dunes buds. We visited for a bit at their house and then headed out to the lake to Brian's Uncle lake house. It was a nice visit and was way past overdue.

Monday we did a little house cleaning and then headed out for grocery shopping. I don't know why, but it's always fun to just go piddling around at Sams. Yesterday was Jim's meeting in Denton for the tournament (see his blog for more info). Before the meeting we stopped off and had some Sushi. Let me tell was great and we played with the idea of going back for "dessert" :)

I also got to talk to Nat yesterady and they had just gotten done riding the rapids. Sounded like everyone was having a great time and no one had gotten injured :) They will be headed to Mom and Dad's tomorrow and then Dad will bring them home on Friday. From that point on...we will start another action packed weekend of Softball.

We will keep you posted.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Ok, I'm really back now :)

I gotta a lot to catch up on since I've been down for 2 weeks and just on dial up. Not that there's anything wrong with dial up, but after trying to do my work all day on dial up...trying to download/upload...waiting 20 mins or so per file...then get booted off...GRRR. My patience was pretty much shot.

Anyway, last weekend was the Wise County Playoffs. This would determine who was 1st place in Wise County (refer to Jim's blog for more details...and you WILL get the details!) We did great and got 2nd out of like 14-15 teams. Only the top 4 went to this tournament. ANYWAYS...MY daughter was on FIRE! That little toot can HIT. Man alive I wish everyone could see it with their own eyes cause she hits like a big ole gal. Here's some pictures that I am SO happy came out....

Here she is cheering her head off. She (and all the team) are so supportive of each other... and it comes from GREAT coaching!

Just look where this ball is at and her stance. HECK YA she's gonna belt that baby out of the park.

And she did. She got a home run with this hit (hee..hee and I got it on camera...I'm sooo thrilled :) You can see the ball in the sky, just to the left of the light pole. It's yellow.

We have one more tournament in Denton the weekend of July 2nd. Last year we play sasquatches (sp?) joke! Hope to have a good time and maybe win one or two games this time :) Will post pictures afterwards...

Yesterday was Nat's awards ceremony and Wed was Matt's. They both ended up with all A averages and we couldn't be more pleased.

We are very blessed to have such bright children. Sometime they have their "shining" moments... Like my earlier post with Matt and the trampoline. Or, when Natalie thinks that since I haven't taken Marbles in for a haircut...that she'd just take care of it herself. I now realize that I was having a "duh" moment when I was asked "Mom, where's the scissors?" Instead of telling here where they were...I should have asked "why?". Because it was a heck of a shock to walk out into the garage and see this enormous black pile of fur (that I thought was Marbles at first). Once it sunk in I thought...oh dear, how bad is it. Well I knew it had to bad cause Marbles hauled a-- once she put down the scissors and it was a good hour before we saw him again. And when we did see him, let me tell wasn't pretty.

And as for Mr. Brayden's activites...he's still just chillin, watching toons, playing outside any chance he can get :)

Monday, May 15, 2006

I'm here...

If you've wondered where Jim and I have been (blog wise), but internet's been down since Monday night and we've only been on dial up. And let me tell you, trying to do my job thru dial up has been pure hell. So needless to say, the least time I could be in dial up the better. I'm back up now, but mostlikely I'll be back down again tomorrow cause there's still more repairs to be done.

Everyone's doing good. Just got thru with a fun week full of softball. We got 2 wins, 1 tie, and 1 forfeit (which is now not a forfeit and we'll play them on Thurs. And then Saturday will be the playoff tournament to determine who goes to the Denton Tournament.

Jim will try to post the weights tonight. He's currently working the concession stand.

Hope all the Mom's who read this had a great Mother's Day. We had a very nice visit with mine and Jim's Mom. It was too short as always, but any visit is great :)

I'll try to blog again later this week, but for now I gotta go catch up on everything that's been put to the side.

Monday, May 08, 2006


I got a call from the ENT's office today saying that they have Brayden's test results back. She said that he VERY allergic to eggs, but only allergic to eggs. Their reasoning as to why he was getting sick (prior to soy milk) was that I was giving him products with eggs in them...while on whole milk. But telling me that the milk and eggs have no relation...just had too much eggs product in his system. But I'm confused cause since taking him off milk and putting him on soy, he hasn't gotten sick like that! And I looked, almost all of the baby prepackaged foods (frozen and canned/jarred) have some sort of egg product in them. And the nurse told he to give him absolutely NOTHING with egg in it! And she was making it sound like life or death!?!? She also added that he NEEDS to be on whole milk and off the soy.

My brain hurts!

And the thing that's even more frustrating is (not only with the ENT, but also the pediatrician) when you question "well why hasn't he thrown up since..." and "why doesn't all the food I've been giving him make him sick (with egg)...", well they almost act offended. Like I'm supposed to just shut up and do as they say. Or act like I'm just arguing with them. And I'm not... I just want CLEAR answers. Definitive ones. I (we..) have already went thru the unclear/no answer crap with Natalie's disorder. Anyway...

I know that the pediatrician fed up with me and all my questions and the ENT's already seeming that way, just after one visit. Maybe it's just me. I'm gonna hopefully have Jim by my side this follow visit with the ENT. And if he gets the same vibe, then I think it's time to go to different doctors. None of this is life or death. Brayden's just fine. I just want to make sure that I'm not giving him any foods that disagree with his tummy so that he can have a great day every day possible...ya know?!?