Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Matt's 9th Birthday Party

As you all probably know, Sunday was Matthew's birthday. He turned a BIG OLE 9 years old. And he was busting at the seams waiting for that day to get here!

He he is with his birthday loot (minus one present from Brayden that he got to open the day before).

Well despite the rain (the much needed rain)...we still had a great time. The Water Park actually never opened, so we had the party indoors at the Natatorium.

As you can see, it has an indoor slide at one pool and high dives at the Olympic sized pool. Everyone had a good time and we all played hard.

Oh Matt... :)

It wasn't easy to catch the action shots off the slide, but I tried. Here's Jim in a sheet of water.

Daddy managed to have just as much fun as the kids :)

Mom and Dad didn't swim, but seemed to have a fun time watching all the kids (big and small) play.

Thanks goodness for Brianna. She was Nat's saving grace at a boy's party:)

Brayden may have not gotten to have real cake, but he had no problem chowing down on the rice crispy "cake".

How do you know if you've gotten the birthday boy the right toy or not.........


Kim :) said...

Loved all the pictures! So hard to blieve that Matt is 9?? When did that go and happen???? Sorry that the rain caused problems, but it sure looks like you were all able to make the best of it anyway! By the looks of that last picture, YUP you got the birthday boy the perfect gift! :)


Sorry for the delay -- been out of town for work!! Happy Birthday Matt