Saturday, September 23, 2006

Weigh in #3

Here are the weights from this Friday's weigh in:

Jim - 228 (lost 1 lb)
Angie - 166 (gained 1 lb)
George - 238 (same)
Katie - 134 (newbie & happy to have her)
Mom - (on vacation)
Dad - (on vacation)

As always, anyone who wants to join just send me your weight on Fridays.

Way to go Jim on the loss and George for maintaining!!


The Oldies said...

Yup still on vac. and eating everything in sight. There will be hell to pay in the weight watchers isle at wally world.


Still gaining only - 6 to 8 weeks to go!!! Then I can join you all for real!

Kim :) said...

Keep on guys!! You all can do this. :)