Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Homecoming Parade

Even though Decatur Homecoming wasn't that big of a deal to us...the parade was! This is first time any of the kids have gotten to be in a parade. And I remember as a kid that this was big time fun...heck it was fun for me to get to Matt in it. Matthew got to be in the parade because all the Decatur and Wise county pee-wee and midget football teams got to be in the parade. He was so pumped! Mostly because for all those out there who didn't believe that HE was a football player...THIS was proof! (This has been a big issue with him.)

I didn't get any shots of the baby, but you all know what he looks like...and that he's cute :) Didn't do it on purpose...it's a hindsight issue.

Matt's float was towards the back of the parade line. So Nat got to gather tons of candy while we waited to get to see him.

She even got to see several of her friends in the parade and they all made sure to load her up with the good stuff. Josh (a boy who I found out really likes her) hooked her up with a Reeses Peanut Butter cup. And this was a truely sweet gesture since 98% of the candy thrown was hard candies.

Here's Matt's team float. They are the Decatur Midget Eagles. He's #49.

We kept hollering his name so he'd see where we were, but it was a confusing time...having to throw candy...and eat as much as he could without getting caught :)

Then he spotted us... (You'll have to click on the picture to enlarge it. then you can see Matt giving his classic wave)

It was a fun parade. Afterwards the parade line went to the football field where they had a pep rally. We didn't go...they don't do anything for me and Jim anymore. But we DID go get ice cream...that always does something for me :)


Reagan said...

Go Matt!!! Parades are so cool :)


Ice Cream and a weigh in -- sounds like a plan!!!

Kim :) said...

What great pictures!! I'm with Reagan. GO MATT!! Have fun with that football team. The ones that matter believe that you really are a football player! Keep on keeping on!