Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Response Time

As you read this, you may wonder if I'm self-inflicting my drama...maybe so, but it's sure not my intent. I told you a while back about Brayden taking a dive into the pool. Well, Brayden didn't do this one..but it involved me being scared to death for him.

Me and Brayden ran to Walmart real quick before going to get the kids from school. We got done with 10 mins to spare to get to Matt. I loading up the groceries and went to put Brayden in his seat. I kept dropping the keys and my shoulder wallet thing kept sliding off my shoulder. So I stopped buckling Brayden for a minute so I could throw the keys and wallet over the front seat so I could continue without the aggravation. As I threw them over the seat my sub went "ding-ding-ding". I thought "huh, what's it dinging about?" Well if you own a Chevy, you might already know that it went ding-ding-ding to tell me that it was locking it's doors!!! But this didn't dawn on me and I close Brayden's door and go to open mine. was locked...ALL THE DOORS WERE LOCKED!! And no matter how hard I pulled on the handles they didn't open and trying to "will" them open wasn't working. And Brayden was all buckled in so I couldn't tell him to get my keys and unlock the doors (as if he'd know what the heck I was talking about).

So there I stand, completely freaking out and having no idea what to do. You might say to call someone, but along with my baby, keys, and wallet being in the he car...guess where the cell phone was???? Still freaking and trying to decide what to do... I gotta get help, but I can't leave my baby unattended (even thought at this point how well was I caring for him?). I look a few cars down on the opposite side of where I'm parked and I see a Mom with a baby talking on a cell phone. I go and interrupt her and tell her as calmly as I can what I'd done. I must have not been too calm cause she looked at me as if I was completely retarded...or as an unfit Mom. Regardless I told her I needed her help. Could she please call someone...the police, locksmith, anyone? She called 911 and I ran back to Brayden and we played peek-a-boo. As most of you know I've had some issues with the Wise County Sheriff Deptment's response time. (It took them 40 mins to respond to my burglary call.) So I'm still totally freaking cause I just know that Brayden's gonna start screaming at any minute and I can't do anything about it. Luckily yesterday was fairly cool so I wasn't worried about him getting to hot in there. And I was panicking cause I couldn't get to the other kids or call there school to tell them were I was. I couldn't call Jim to help...I was helpless and it sucked. I was just about to give in and cry and low and behold the Decatur police was there. I didn't have anything to measure the time with, but I just know it was less than 3 mins since that lady called it in. I thanked him profusely and he handed me a release waiver to unlock the doors and he frantically worked to open the door. POP! He was in and I was all over Brayden like stink on poo!

I was so impressed at how fast the police responded. I don't know if he just happened to be near by, or if they floor it when they found out a child was locked in the car. The back up policeman showed up just as he unlocked the door, so even the 2nd guys response time was impressive. I wanted to hug them both, but I was having a hard time letting go of Brayden. And they really didn't want to hear about it. But I took no offense to it. I'm sure I looked like a real loser to them and they'd just assume to go back to work.

The things that can just stop your heart happen so quick. And I thank God that he helps me pull my head out of my butt long enough to keep real harm from coming to my babies!


Kim :) said...

Oh my goodness!!!! Oh Angie, I have had a fear of locking one of my children in the car! SOunds like you handled things just as I would have. I'm glad to hear that the police were quick this time!! Give that baby a hug from Miss Kim!
and here is a hug from me {{HUGS}} to you.

The Oldies said...

Your a good mom angie. Shit just happens sometime. Expecialy when you are in ahurry. God was warching over you and the baby. Love you Mom

Reagan said...

OH!!! Not sure my heart has started beating again. I'm so glad you and Brayden are OK...and he probably has no idea, just thought.. this is an odd time for a game of peek a boo, but hey I'll take it!


Glad everything ended in a happy ending!! The Pop-A-Lock place here unlocks your car for free if there is a child locked in it! But I don't know how long it takes them to get to you! My new car has a key pad on the outside drivers door to unlock it if you don't have the keys - I don't know the code, but I guess I will be learning it now or programming it to something I can remember!

Love ya Beth