Tuesday, October 17, 2006

School Pictures

For the past few years I have been only ordering the smallest package on the kids school pictures because they have been so crappy. Not that my kids took a bad picture, but the photographer would take the picture when they were talking or looking away/down OR like with last year...brush Nat's hair to how they liked it after I'd already fixed it!! Anyway... So I did as always and ordered the smallest package. Well low and behold, these pictures are awesome! I scanned them in but I don't think my scanner's giving the pictures justice (they show up way darker than they are...dadgummit!). They really are great pictures. And because I didn't order the bigger package, I can't send one to ALL of you :( But now I'm torn cause I really want an 8x10 of these but they want $18 EACH for a 8x10 "reorder". Ugh...it's killing me. I'm just such a tightwad...but oh how I love good pictures!!

Anyway..here's my awesome looking big kids :)



Buy the pictures before you regret it!!! Mason has school pictures next week and they provide the outfits and have 3 different custom changes!! Glamour Shots for Preschool!

The Oldies said...

great pictures. And my new copier will do a good job enlarging them. Save the $.

Kim :) said...

OHHH those are beautiful pictures Angie!! I love them both. I'm the same way you are. I always order the smallest package for the same reason! I really thought when we were in school we always got a "proof" picture to bring home then our parents could decided if they liked it enough to order or not. I think they need to go back to this system!

Damn Fine looking kids! :)

Reagan said...

Those are fantastic pictures!!