Monday, October 09, 2006

Weigh In #5

Ok it's week #5 and am very disgusted with myself. But for me, that typically what it takes for me to get off my butt (literally) and get in gear. I started up the weight loss thing thinking that would be enough incentive, but I was wrong. I wasn't mentally ready to get out of my comfort zone with food. And it's been 3 MONTHS since I've even attempted to work out. So, with that being said...I'm there...I'm ready to quit fooling around. No more "Come Monday I'm gonna start being good..." Next week I will show a loss! I've thrown down the gauntlet to myself :)

Now for this weeks weigh in:

Jim - 230 (2lb gain)
Angie - 170!!!!! (4lb gain)
Dad - 201 (2lb gain)
Mom - 173 (2lb gain)
George - (no weight)
Katie - (no weight)

So yes, I take the "prize" of the most weight gained this week. But it's definitely not a "woo hoo" moment. Next week will be better. We can all do this. We've come so far!! Good luck :)

On a side note....If you need a good laugh, go to the link for Reagan's blog and read her latest post!! And to see an extremely cute baby, scroll down and see some of the pics she's posted.



I probably gained 4 with you!!! hahaha

Kim :) said...

Don't beat yourself up to bad there missy! You can do it! you can do it!!