Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Weigh in #7

Jim - 231 (+2 lbs)
Angie - 167 (same)
Dad - 199 (same)
Mom - 172 (+2 lbs)

Not an encouraging week for any of us. But I think our bodies are getting into "comfort" zones with these weights. Which we've all done awesome. This it the point where the body's gonna be reluctant to let the weight go. Even with that being said, it's very frustrating.

Maybe having some newbie's might encourage us :) So anyone...anyone at all that would like to join this, just let me know. No matter if you have 5 lbs or 50 lbs to lose.

Side note...and if you do ever read any of my blogs...comments are always enjoyed :)


Kim :) said...

keep on keeping on guys! I will pull my head out soon and jump in and join you.. I will.. I will...


456 lbs Is what I feel like this week! hahaha