Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween was a hit!

I wanted these pictures posted last night, but if you can believe it...I've been trying since last night to get them to load on Blogger...Grrr...anyway, they are worth it!

It was technically not Brayden's 1st Halloween, but it was his first Trick-or-Treat! And he loved it. Everyone (including his immediate family) went ga-ga when they saw him. It's by far the cutest Halloween outfit I've seen since Nat and Matt wore the "tumble bear" outfit.

He wasn't too crazy about dressing up in it at first. This first round of pictures were taken at the house before we left.

Here he is not being totally pleased with this dressing up business. But dang he's cute!

He getting alittle more into "character" now. We're practicing "rrraarrr".

His G.Q. pose (with gugga)...

Does this even need a caption???

This was the outfit HE wanted to wear...and it's dang cute too :)

Here he (and we) are at the first Trick-or-Treat stop. Brayden didn't want to leave

I'll end with some other pictures from last night...



CUTE - -my pictures will not load either!!

Reagan said...

Now that's what I call cute :)

Kay said...

Those are some cute pictures! Love to all!!!!

Kim :) said...

I'm certainly glad you didn't give up trying to post these adorable pictures! I love Braydens costume. He is a cutie patotie! And Nat and Mat looked great too! Fun times had by all it seams.. WE sure miss our yearly trick or treat with you guys!