Tuesday, November 28, 2006

More firsts...and catching up

Ok guys, this new version of Blogger I loaded is a bit tricky for me to figure out. So it'll be short, sweet, and to the point.

Here's some picture of Brayden's first haircut. It was bangs only and I hope to keep it that way for just a bit longer :)

He wasn't to happy with this hair cutting idea...and staying still. So yes, I let him chew on my toothbrush to keep him happy.

Here's Brayden's first time to feed himself pudding. (Yes, this picture's kinda old cause we can no longer have pre-made pudding...due to the dairy products)

(Those with weak stomachs...look away...)

As mentioned in a previous blog, we went Matt's Thanksgiving program last Monday. It was great. He was above and beyond the most animate and entertaining kid in the program. And it's not just me saying that. We were hearing everyone around us saying "...look at that boy getting after it..." and others just roaring out with laughter. It was great. They were supposed to be doing the Turkey Boogie. The other kids stood like statues and Matt literally boogied down!!

I took several pictures, but this was definately one of those time that I should have brought the video camera. It was so stinking funny!!

Nat was even entertained by the program, but she'd NEVER admit it :)

I hope that you all had great Thanksgivings. We started our off with a bang. We had 19 of Jim's side of the family over at our house on Thursday. Everyone seemed to have a good time and we loved having everyone at our house. May not end up being a tradition, but I hope to get to host again :) We also got to have Bill, Lisa, and kids stay with us that night and Jim and Bill had a great time catching up and so did Lisa and I.

We headed to my Mom and Dad's on Friday afternoon to have Thanksgiving with all 23 of my family. It was also a great time and we all had a nice visit with each other. It really makes you miss home and having loved ones so close. The kids all get along so great and each time they are together they make a home movie. This year there was a bit of "gore" in the movie, but still fun to watch.

We headed to Jim's Mom's for a Cajun style Thanksgiving on Sunday morning. We had a great visit with her, James, Linda, and Jacob. And we eat WAY too much yummy food!! The kids had a great time and so did we!!

In other news, Dad had hernia surgury on Monday and DROVE HIMSELF HOME on Monday after noon!!! I talked to him today and he sounds very good. Just discouraged with all the things he can't do. But he does realize that he MUST take it slow. But anyone who knows him knows what a bus body he is :)

Beth had Jaxon on Tues. 5lbs 15 oz and all kinds of cute. She and Martha have sent some pics and he's so sweet! Her blog link is at the side of blog and I bet she'll post some pics soon, once they get everything back to "normal" :)


The Oldies said...

What a neat name Jaxon is, as to my problem with what I can not do ,what the DR said was that I can not lift anything over 10lbs, carring that damn scale around is a pain in the butt!

The Oldies said...

Oh bye the way, that sure is a sexy looking barber that BJ has!!

Kim :) said...

Aww, What Great pictures! Loved everyone one of them. And I can just see Matt dancing around in the program. To funny.

And we still need pictures of Nat and her braces!!

Reagan said...

Wonderful pictures!! Way to multitask Momma - haircut and teeth brushing all at the same time!!!
Emily needs a trim - just don't think she will sit still long enough - so for now she gets to keep the 'pebbles' do. Sounds like you guys had ALOT of turkey. Love to you all


I promise to blog soon!!! I didn't have to guts to cut Mason's hair -- I let the Barber do it!!! I probably would have cut his ear and nose off!! hahaha