Tuesday, January 02, 2007

It's ON!

First off...Happy New Year to everyone!! And with the New Year comes another round of resolutions. At this very time last year Jim and I (along with several others) began our version of The Biggest Loser. So to continue our new "tradition", we are now starting up The Biggest Loser season 2!

As with the "rules" of last year, ANY one of you may join in at any time. I will post the start weights this week. Then next week I'll post weight and percentage of weight lost (with the help of my husbands excel sheet :) ) We will weigh in every Monday and will attempt to post the info every Monday (just depends on when I get every one's info).

For any of you new to this, it was VERY successful last year for a large number of us. Not to say that when the holidays hit that me and Jim didn't fall off the wagon :) But when we were serious, and posting every week...it worked.

So I extend the invite to all of those who want to join in. At this time I won't be doing a "competition". But if there are those of you who think this might work better for you if we do this in competition mode, just let me know and we can accommodate :)

Week 1

Jim - 237
Angie - 175

Good luck to all of you that join or go it alone. You CAN do this!!!!!!!!


The Oldies said...

We are in. Dad is 203. Mom 173. Last year at this time we were, dad 233 qnd Mom 193. So we are tickled to death that we are starting off lower then last year.Dad is just maintaining. Mom would like to be about 165. Any more and the flabby old guy skin will hit us in the face when we wave bye bye. Good luck everyone.

Kim :) said...

aww. yes.. I've been talking to Gary about me getting back with the program. I am sad to say that I weight MORE this year then last! That sucks to the max! No one's fault but my own.. So, I won't try to lay the blame anywhere I guess. I will be starting next Monday. I was so bad about reporting in last time that perhaps I will just keep track of it here and not hold you guys up. Good luck to everyone though! I will report in from time to time to let you know how I'm doing though!

Reagan said...

I'M IN!!!
I will report next Monday. I need some accountability and to stop procrastinating (yes I know I'm not starting now, but Monday -- see I'm really really good @ procrastinating, amI even spelling that right)
Anway good luck to all :)