Monday, January 08, 2007

Weigh in #2

We have several people that have decided to join in to our version of the Biggest Loser (part 2). Some are weighing in for the first time this week and some will start next week. We will start to figure percentage of weight loss hopefully next week. For now I'll just post straight weight loss.

Good luck to everyone and remember, any one who reads this is welcome to join in at ANY time! Just email me your weights on Monday mornings (or as close to it as you can).

Week #2

Jim - 234 > 3lb loss
Angie - 171 > 4lb loss
Mom - 171 > 3lb loss
Dad - 202 > start weight
Reagan - 137 > start weight
Beth - 191 > after baby start weight :)
Billy and Tina - (will start next Monday)


Kim :) said...

Great job guys!! Kep up the good work.


I just got home this morning from Carrie's and I am in!!!! I have 40 lbs to lose again!! whew hew!!! Weight is 189 lbs