Monday, January 15, 2007

Weigh In #3

Looks like everyone had a really good week...way to go. Now that I've gotten everyone start weights, I will do the percentages after I get next Mondays weights.

Week 3

Beth - 190 > 1 lb loss
Billy - 254 > start weight
Tina - 171 > start weight
Dad - 203 > gearing up for vacation :)
Mom - 172 > Vacation mode :)
Angie - 169 > 2 lb loss
Jim - 233 > 1 lb loss
Regan - 135 > 2 lb loss

Good luck this week! I know that the 1st and 2nd week are the HARDEST! But if you can make it thru to week 3, it starts to seem bearable :) Hang in there!!!!!

1 comment:


Great job everyone!!! Every pound counts even if it doesn't seem like much!