Monday, January 22, 2007

Weigh In #4

Hope everyone has made it thru all the crappy weather from last week. I know that the kids were hoping for it to just keep getting worse so that we could get some more snow and snow/ice days...but I am ready for the 50's again! Especially since I have a new found love for running! I didn't get to run at all last week. I guess if I was a true die hard nothing would have stopped me...but, I just was not up for slipping on the ice or turing into a popcicle :)

Welcome to week #4 of the weigh ins. So far so good everyone!!!!!!!! I apologize, but I couldn't get the Excel program to figure the weight loss it's just lbs lost only again. But everyone did so good, I didn't figure most of you would mind :)

Week #4

Beth - 190 > no gain :)
Billy - 246 > 8 lb loss... WOO HOO :)
Tina - 171 > 5 lb loss... Another big WOO HOO :)
Dad - 203 > vacation :)
Mom - 172 > vacation and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Angie - 167 > 2 lb loss
Jim - 231 > 2 lb loss
Reagan - 135 > no gain :)

Again, the invitation is still open to anyone who'd like to join in! Good luck to everyone and hope every has a killer weight loss week :)


Reagan said...

You crack me up! thanks for the positive twist on things :)


I want to see big numbers though!!!! Thanks for keeping it positive!

Kim :) said...

You guys are doing great!! Keep up the good work. :)