Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Catching up

Time to catch up on kid activities...

She did great on her most recent report card. She'd had a few "uh-oh" grades last 6-weeks and ended up with her first "C" on a report card. She worked really hard and got "A's & B's" this 6 weeks. VERY PROUD of her. She's just delighted to get her cell phone back :) She's still in art and is currently working on an under water scene. I have not seen it yet, but I'm sure it's just as fantastic as all the others. She started piano lessons a few weeks ago and loves it! She's really picking up fast too. Softball drafts were last night and all of Nat's team (minus one) are back on the team. Plus a few that were on our team year before last and a few new players. Practices should start next week...I think.

Basketball season is now over. He did a great job and was really coming around. We need just a few more games for him to get to show his stuff. But they only get 6 games for a season ans this season was only 5 games due to icy weather that 1st week. He still plays most everyday after school. Jim has mentioned that they will be looking to get Matt back into some 4-wheeler racing again. He warned me that Matt could get hurt. But you know...that potential is there even when he's just sitting on the bar stool at He did really well on his report card also. 1 - B and the rest A's! He's also very relieved to have the Taks test over with. I know he did great, but Man was he stressed.

FINALLY over the walking pneumonia!! He's got some sinus stuff right now from this nutzo wind...but I hope it just passes by :) He started Mother's Day Out last Thurs. And...he loved it! I was so relieved. I felt so guilty, sad, and lonely all day. The ONE day I'm not busy at ALL for work or contract!! was a rough day for Momma. But when I heard what a good day he had...I knew we'd made the right choice. He will go again tomorrow and I hope that once again he has a great day. I asked him if he wants to go see friends at school and he said "uh huh :)"

I have to cut it short for now. But I will be back tomorrow to tell you all about our weekend in Midland. I also posted the just scroll down to the next blog to read those results.



Glad to here that the kids are doing so well in school! Glad Brayden is getting better as well! Why can't they do Mother's Day out on the weekends so that the Mom's that work all week can have a few hours of ME time???

Kim :) said...

Sounds like your kiddos are all doing really well! I enjoyed catching up on them. Give them all a big hug and kiss from us!