Monday, April 23, 2007

First Camping Trip

This past weekend we FINALLY got to go on our first camping trip! We went to Fort Richardson State Park in Jacksboro. Only about 45mins-1hour from the house. But ya know, once your in the park you have no idea that your that close to home. It's like being 100 + miles away. It's really beautiful! Lots of cool trails and creeks/springs. I will let the following pictures tell the rest of the story.
When you first enter the park you pass the fort..then you head down into the lush greenery and where the river is.
Here's the kids checking out the hospital. You can't go in any of the buildings, but you can see inside. They have replicas that give you an idea of how everything looked.
This was the Guard Station. The kids are in what's left of the cells.
Matt is standing in front of the what's left of the flour mill. You had to cross the river (which we didn't wee where you could do that) in order to get to it.
Here's one of the few spots where we could cross the river without being up to our waists in water. It was so nice to see a flowing river...instead of a dried up dusty one!
After we crossed the river I HAD to take some pictures on this rock and tree!
While the big kids fished, Brayden (and his new found freedom from the stroller) took Jim for a walk :)
Truly HAPPY Campers!
I got to capture a picture of Matt's first (and only) catch of the day.
You'd thought that he'd just reeled in a shark the way we were all going on!
Nat had caught a perch before I got there. No picture of the fish..just one of a happy fisher girl :)
Brayden's delighted to be freed from the stroller! He wants to explore too :)
Brayden and Matt were complete monkey at the slide!

Nat thought that the wild onions was like the coolest find. She really wanted to know if we could eat them...I tried to discourage this :) Can you eat them??
Brayden's camp past time was riding and falling of the tricycle!

We had a great time and wish we'd had ONE more day. But that's pretty much how you feel with any trip/vacation...isn't it :) We would highly recommend this park to anyone! Hope everyone had a GREAT weekend!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Various topics

Ok..catch up time. I'm gonna cover different topics and I will not be posting pictures this blog, but I will next stay tuned.

Yesterday we received reports cards and the kids both were on the A-B Honor Roll. We are very proud of them! Matt and Nat also had their final segments of the Taks test (like all Texas students...of age). They are very relieved to have them over! I just got an email from Matt's teacher saying that she will be nominating him for GT (gifted and talented). She has raved how he's got such strong math skills. Nat was told by her Science teacher yesterday that she's a Soaring Eagle in his class. I'm not too sure what that means, but I know it's very good :) I have also received a letter for her to be nominated for GT. I am so blessed to have such intelligent children.

Brayden is loving MDO (Mother's Day Out) more and more each time he goes. He didn't cry when I left the last 2 Thursdays. And this Thursday as we pulled into the parking lot of the church he said "Go friends?" (that's what he calls MDO). And he sleeps really well there and eats good too! I was very apprehensive to take him at first, but now I know it's good for him...and fun too :)

Last weekend we (and Jim's Granny) went to Midland for Chloe's birthday. She turned the big 7! We had a very nice visit with them. We went to James and Phyllis's on Saturday for burgers and cake for Chloe. Everything was so good...I definitely was NOT counting points that day :) Brayden really enjoyed himself (along with the big kids of course) and it was so neat to see him understand who everyone was and to call most everyone by their names! Brayden really bonded with Granny since they got to spend Friday morning playing :) While we were out there, Jim and Matt took a trip out to Kermit to ride the dunes for a bit. I know they wish they could have spend more time there...but I think they were happy with what they could get :)

This week there has been no softball due to Taks testing. But we start off full swing next week with 3-4 games. 1-2 of them being for the Opening Ceremonies that got postponed due to rain.

Nat will be going on her first band trip to Sandy Lake this coming Friday and she's pumped. I hope I can go...I'd love to hear them and I know she'd love to know one of us could go. She also has her first piano recital next Sunday. She's very excited to have us hear her play. She told me that in Art she's starting a sculpture and it'll be a bust "of a real human" :) This girl stays busy and loves it!

Matt will be going on a field trip this coming Thursday to the museum and then on May 4th they are having a Cinco De Mayo celebration. Big fun! And I have become the appointed room Mom for his class and I'll soon be helping them get stuff organized for their carnival and end of school parties.

This weekend we are headed out (finally) for our first actual camping trip. We have stayed in it once at Mom and Dad's we when for Easter, but this trip is the real deal :) We are ready to go too. Looks like it's gonna be windy, but no rain and nice we are pumped. And it'll be pictures that I take from this trip that I'll post next week.

Lastly, I will not be posting weights for a while on the Biggest Loser. Not to say that me or Jim are straying from WW, we will still work to maintain our weight. Just gonna stop posting about it for a while. Everyone who has done this with us...keep it up! It feels so good to accomplish this goal and so crummy when it all comes back on. If anyone feels they need to post to keep themselves in check, just let me know and I'll hook you up :)

Have a great weekend!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Call it quits?

Ok, time for a change (for me anyway) on the Biggest Loser. I need input... Shall we call it quits for a while? Or is there something we can do to change up the "dynamics" of this "game"? Something needs to change...cause my hubby's about to stop by Jack int he box for me and I'm thinking I "might" go over in WW points?!?!?

Please let me know your thoughts either thru Blogger comments or just email me.

I have stuff to blog about, but I'll need more look for more later....

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Week 15

name....weight...lbs lost...week %...lbs %

Billy.........(no info this week)
Tina........(no info this week)

Still a little late posting...sorry about that. Been getting slammed with work. Everyone did great this week...especially since it was Easter weekend. NO one gained more than that in itself is a major accomplishment :)

Monday, April 09, 2007

Week 14 weigh ins..a week late :(

Week 14

name....weight...lbs lost...week %...lbs %

Tina........(no info this week)

Sorry for the major delay this past week. I'll do better this week. Keep on trucking everyone :)

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Beautiful day, beautiful kids!

After being a bit windy earlier today, this afternoon turned out really nice. So outside we went...

Here's some great shots I got of the kids playing. Brayden wasn't in the portrait I got what I could when I could get it :)

Uuhh...I'm not sure what this caption should be...but OH MY that girl is freaking beautiful!!!

Matt's got such a great smile! I tried to get him to do some "GQ" poses, but he can't hold back those (semi) pearly whites :) ...and he was much more interested in me catching his actions shots.

Brayden was on the move being the independent guy he's these were what I was "allowed" to take of him. The second is probably my favorite and I REALLY worked hard for that one :) But the 3rd one's pretty cute too.. shoot, I love them all! Pictures and kiddos ;)~~

Hope you all have a Wonderful Easter!

Monday, April 02, 2007

MY weekend adventure :)

If you've read Jim's blog, you know all about his and Matt's weekend adventures.'s my weekend "adventure"....

I've been doing a lot of "after hours" work for my contract guys this past week. By the time Friday came I was a feeling a bit frazzled. Plus knowing that I had a pretty big job coming in last weekend to top it off....just added to my frazzledness (is that a word??). I was feeling like it was time that I had some me time. Typically this might be: getting my hair done, a pedicure, shopping...something along those lines. But no, I thought I'd go inflict some pain upon myself.

For well over a year I've wanted to add onto something that I have on my don't hear many women say they like to ADD something to themselves, but you'll see where I'm going with this in a minute. Some of you already know that I have a small turtle tattoo on my back. I got it..oohh.. 3 or so years ago while at the beach. My brother got one that vacation also...same spot, different design. We also share the same armpit case you didn't know that :) Anyway, I've wanted to add something to represent my husband an children. I've had several design ideas, but never went and had it done...for whatever reason.

So Friday, in a warped state of mind (I guess...why else would I want to have so much pain??) I decided that the time is now. I emailed my other "freak" friend to see if she'd be my support coach...and she was "heck yeah"!!!

I got to the tattoo place at 12:10 had him draw up the design, tweaked it a few times and got started at 1:20. Finally finished at 3:15. The outline KILLED! I honestly thought at times that he was cutting off pieces of flesh! ...this pleased my husband (that I had pain) cause he's not so find of tattoos and them being on his wife. But he loves me and so he tolerates my bizarre wants and needs :)

Here's a pictures my friend took with her camera phone once it was done. She took several pictures during the whole process so I could see how it was looking....and to help keep my mind off the pain :) You'll see that the little turtle inside of the big turtle is quite faded. Yes, it needs to have a touch up, but that'll HAVE to be at another time. Didn't have anymore pain tolerance to spare :)