Monday, April 23, 2007

First Camping Trip

This past weekend we FINALLY got to go on our first camping trip! We went to Fort Richardson State Park in Jacksboro. Only about 45mins-1hour from the house. But ya know, once your in the park you have no idea that your that close to home. It's like being 100 + miles away. It's really beautiful! Lots of cool trails and creeks/springs. I will let the following pictures tell the rest of the story.
When you first enter the park you pass the fort..then you head down into the lush greenery and where the river is.
Here's the kids checking out the hospital. You can't go in any of the buildings, but you can see inside. They have replicas that give you an idea of how everything looked.
This was the Guard Station. The kids are in what's left of the cells.
Matt is standing in front of the what's left of the flour mill. You had to cross the river (which we didn't wee where you could do that) in order to get to it.
Here's one of the few spots where we could cross the river without being up to our waists in water. It was so nice to see a flowing river...instead of a dried up dusty one!
After we crossed the river I HAD to take some pictures on this rock and tree!
While the big kids fished, Brayden (and his new found freedom from the stroller) took Jim for a walk :)
Truly HAPPY Campers!
I got to capture a picture of Matt's first (and only) catch of the day.
You'd thought that he'd just reeled in a shark the way we were all going on!
Nat had caught a perch before I got there. No picture of the fish..just one of a happy fisher girl :)
Brayden's delighted to be freed from the stroller! He wants to explore too :)
Brayden and Matt were complete monkey at the slide!

Nat thought that the wild onions was like the coolest find. She really wanted to know if we could eat them...I tried to discourage this :) Can you eat them??
Brayden's camp past time was riding and falling of the tricycle!

We had a great time and wish we'd had ONE more day. But that's pretty much how you feel with any trip/vacation...isn't it :) We would highly recommend this park to anyone! Hope everyone had a GREAT weekend!


Reagan said...

Looks like you guys had a blast!! I can't wait for us to meet up. Any progress on that?

The Oldies said...

Great pictures. Glad everyone had a good time. When we were there the Fort was there with a reanger and he gave us a walk tho. Very informative. But there wasn't any water in the river. Just puddles here and there. Glad you enjoyed yourselves.

Kim :) said...

Looks like you all had a wonderful time on your first camping trip!! It is always so relaxing. I loved all the pictures you shared. HOpe your able to go again soon and enjoy that trailer!!