Thursday, May 17, 2007

100% & A Hair Raising Experience

I got an email from Matt's teacher the other day telling me the most WONDERFUL news. Matthew has scored a 100 on the Taks test. This is the test that every year the kids get all stressed out about. (Stress that's put on them by the schools cause if the kids don't do well the school doesn't get as much $$...or something along those lines.) And Matt WAS stressed of this. She told me to act surprised when Matt told me that afternoon and I said "you bet". As soon as Matt piled into the truck he said "Mom, guess what?... Mrs. Martin pulled me out into the hall to tell me my Taks score today and I was all 'Oh man, did I fail?' And then you know what she told me Mom???? She said I made a 100!!!!!" I of course squeezed the air out of him to show him how proud I was. Then we immediately HAD to call Dad!! We are so proud! Nat made a 100 in 3rd grade also....what a great tradition :)

Now...on to a hair raising experience....really! Last Sunday I asked Jim t got to the trailer and get the griddle so that I could make pancakes. He saw mouse droppings!!! Ugh...I hated that news. So I went to inspect the trailer in hopes that it was just a few mouse "pellets". NOT! It was a mouse party! Nasty, filthy freakin mice have gone everywhere and pooed and pee-ed! All over the stuff I'd washed and put out there...blankets, pots, pans.... So I was gathering up the pots and pans to take them into the house ans wash them. As I was doing this a storm was building just south of us. I'd seen a few lighting strikes but they were a ways off and I wasn't sweating it. I had the trailer door propped open and I was right in the door way leaning over to pick up all the pots to take in. Just as I was picking them up I heard and felt something very eerie.... You know that kinda crackly noise that come right before a SUPER loud boom of thunder? Well I was hearing the very begin of the crackly noise and all the sudden my hair stood UP OFF MY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! ........and the BBBOOOOOOOMMM!!! Uh yeah...the storm was right up my butt (figuratively speaking....but not far from reality) and I was standing in a metal trailer, in a metal doorway, on metal steps, holding metal pots and pans. I quickly discarded the pot and pans and hauled a-- into the house! I told Jim what had just happened and he was like "if you'd been struck we'd had no idea! We would have thought you were just messing around in the trailer." Not a great thought! So no more working/playing in the trailer during a lighting storm!! Yowza!


Kay said...

Oh My Goodness!!! Way to go Matt!! I alway knew he was perfect!!! Way to uphold the family tradition. AND.....Oh My Goodness!!! those storms!!! Love Ya All


That is crazy!!! Storm up your butt -- great analogy! Congrats on the Taks test Matt!

Kim :) said...

Yeah for Matt!! That is aweseome news!!!

And for the storm! OMG!! How freaking scary is that!! Goodness. I'm glad you made it back in the house safetly!!