Thursday, June 14, 2007

I need your help!

I know I haven't blogged in a while. Our family has been hit with some very hard news and it's being rather hard to deal with. Last Wednesday my sister Karen had 2 lumps removed from her neck and shoulder. An ENT removed them cause I guess the referring doctor had no clue what they were getting into. From my already bummed out tone you probably know where this is going. Up until yesterday the doctors assumed and were actually pretty sure it was cancer, just didn't know where or what kind. The lumps she had removed were lymph nodes. She has several others that have popped up, but the ENT didn't remove them cause they were "out of his area". When she went to the ENT yesterday to get her stitches removed they had the pathology report back and it confirmed that she had cancer. She's currently at the oncologist in Abilene with Mark (her finance that she's marrying next Friday on the beach) and my parents. Jim called Dad (not knowing that he was with Karen) about work stuff and Dad told him where they all were and what was going on. So Jim called me....

I don't know the specifics cause Dad wasn't able to tell Jim yet. But all he was able to tell Jim was that it's incurable. It is treatable and can be lived with. When the doctor was asked that horrible phrase that up until now only other people I know have had to ask..."how long?" She said "we start with today..." I wasn't there and haven't talked to the people that are I don't know what that means. All I know is that it means what I (and all that love her) don't want it to mean. I know that I should be mad. Mad that doctors for not realizing that when she went in on Good Friday that they should have taken this more seriously and gotten her to a specialist right away instead of waiting a month to get her into the ENT and then how long it's taken them to get it out and tested. ...but I'm not mad. Not right now anyway. I can't deal with more than one emotion right now and that one is pure sadness and aching over what my sisters about to endure. I've only heard about this happening to someone else's family. Yes, my Mom had breast cancer when I was a senior, but it was curable and she kicked it's ass. I still want to have hope...and I've had hope and will be more hopeful once all this sinks in. I'm still processing it all. Karen is one tough chic! If there is anyone I know that can kick cancer's ass it's her.

There will be tons more doctors who will tell us good and bad news in the next few weeks I'm sure. But for now, this is what we know. I know all of my family has her in their hearts and prayers. And I am asking now that if you are so willing, please add Karen to you prayers. We need God to wrap her so tight in his healing arms right now. We just aren't ready to lose her yet. We can't lose her yet! We just can't....

Thank you

Still don't know the exact location. From what the dr. told them it can be very difficult to locate the origin of this type cancer. We do know the name of the cancer: metastatic adenocarcinoma. She'll have a bone scan today. Then she and Mark are headed to the beach for 2 weeks. We are also headed down there today (for 9 days). So if any of you respond - thank you in advance. I will respond once we get back. Hopefully at that time I will have a clearer head. And thanks in advance for any and all prayers said in my sisters name!

**Update #2**
Just got a call from my Dad and Karen will be starting chemo on Monday. They have found cancer in liver, ovaries, and 2 spots on the brain. The dr's concern now with putting of the chemo until they came back from vacation is that the spots in the brain could cause a stroke and... So, she'll do chemo on Monday and this should shrink these cancer locations and they should "flake off" and not come back again. They are thinking that the main source "may" be in the ovary area. The wedding is NOT off. Instead of them going to the beach today, they'll go on Wed. and then go back for more chemo when they get back from vacation. That's what I know...thanks for any of you that are keeping up with this...


Jim said...

Wedding is not off, but it is postponed.


I am so sorry!! We will keep her in our thoughts and prayers

Beverly said...

I have been reading your blog through Kim's blog for quite some time now. I haven't every posted before but I just wanted you to know how sorry I am you and your family are having to deal with this. Ya'll will be in my prayers. Remember God can do all things. Try not to let fear overcome you. Fear will defeat your faith. Be persistent in your prayer and know that we are standing in prayer with you.

Beverly Shortes

Kay said...

I am so sorry to hear about Karen. Tell her she is in our thoughts and that if anybody can beat this, it is her. Stay strong!! Love to All!!

Kim :) said...

Oh Angie,

I am SOO Sad to hear this news! This breaks my heart. But I know this Cancer monster can be beat! My step dad has been in remission for almost 6 years now! I know that Karen can beat this. She is so strong and young. Please know that my family have all of your family in our prayers.

Love you all!