Monday, June 25, 2007

My Sister

First off - THANK YOU to all of you who commented and have Karen in your prayers! I sincerely appreciate it and I know she does too!

When I left off Friday before last we all had hoped that the wedding was still going to take place. As I was driving out of town on Friday I got a call from Dad telling me that the vacation was off for them and Karen. And that the wedding would be postponed. They started radiation on the 3 (once believed to only have 2 spots, but now there's 3) spots on her brain on Tues, and she goes every (business) day for 10 days. She's also taking a chemo pill and steroids to help the other spots chill out till she's done with radiation and can start full chemo. I talked to her and Mark last Wed. and they filled me in on all the final test results. As I mentioned, there are now 3 spots on her brain, a tumor on her shoulder and leg, one in between where her lungs meet, one on her liver, a 3" one on her ovary (which they believe is where it all started), and multiple little spots on each lung. The spots on the lung they described as looking like salt and pepper all over the place. The doctor is worried about these spots on her lungs developing while she is finishing up radiation. So again I ask that if any of you are so inclined, please pray that these little spots (and the other locations) will chill out till she can get the full dose of chemo.

She is taking an anti-nausea medicine and it seems to be helping, but she still tired and achy. But in EXCELLENT spirits! She's one tough cookie! She even went to see Dad race this past Saturday.

We went to the spot on the beach where she was supposed to get married and I put a little graffiti on the beach marker and we all wrote notes in the sand for her. I took a picture of all of them and got a really nice shot of the beach looking out towards the ocean with a huge thunderhead in the background. The kids made them a wedding cake in the sand and we all took a group picture behind it. She was definitely heavy on all our minds. And heavy in our prayers.

I hope and pray to be posting some positive news soon. Thank you again for all your thoughts and prayers.


Kim :) said...

Karen has been heavy in my thoughts and prayers as well. Along with th rest of the family. Please know that we are sending up many many prayers that the treatments will take care of all the cancer spots they have found! I'm keeping my finger crossed that you will be able to post some postive new soon!


Bring on the positive news!!! God works in mysterious ways and he will pull through! Love you lots

Beverly said...

Keep the faith!! When you have time lookup verses Isaiah 41:13 and Psalms 27:1,3. May these scriptures encourage you during this time. I'll keep praying.

Lisa said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with Karen and you and your family!