Monday, August 27, 2007

First Day of School!

I don't know if I've EVER seen my kids more excited to start school! Matt was asking us to please just put him to bed 10 mins before bedtime last night (and he just repeated that request just now)!! Guess their summer was not as exciting as it typically is. But, what ever boredom they were's over now. They both bouced off to school today with the biggest cheese eating grins on their faces.

It was COMPLETE maddness at Matt school this afternoon. So instead of waiting in line to pick him up, I parked and walked up to get him. This worked out great for me cause I got a wonderful shot of him and his teacher Mrs. Matrin...which we are blessed to get for the 2nd year in a row. He(we) are so, so lucky!! Matt hass all the same classmates as last year (since his teacher asked all the parents form last year if they'd like to be in her class again sine she was moving up to 4th grade). He's so delighted and could hardly contain himself when he was telling me about his day.

Here's Nat leaving her 1st day of Jr. High (which is in the old high school bldg)...she's a big shot now. She was really worried that she'd be stressed out today, but she told me that after we got her schedule straigtened out this morning that everything else went pretty smoothly. And she said that the boy who has the locker abover her was really sweet and that is a pleasant change from last year when she was surrounded by rude locker neighbors.

Here's hoping that tomorrow is just as awesome for the kids. They'll be back to morning bus riders tomorrow. And Nat will experience her first after school workout. She's trying out for the volleyball team. We'll find out after next Tues or Thurs if she made the team. They take 24 girls, but supposedly a ton are trying out. Cross your fingers :) I hope all of your kids had great first days also!


Kim :) said...

WOW! look at those cuties!! It looks like you guys took pictures in our front yard! How funny. I'm glad to hear that school went so well for them! And I will be keeping my fingers crossed for the volleyball team!!!

The Oldies said...

Lets see a pic from this morning!!

The Oldies said...

Great pictures. With Nat's new hair cut she looks more like Karen.Matt new haircut is so grown up. Guess we're big kids now.


I love Nat's new hair cut -- she is so pretty! What about Brayden this morning - did he have empty nest syndrome? Hope Nat gets on the Volleyball team!!