Friday, August 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Tina & Happy Anniversary Billy and Tina :)

First off..Billy - I'm VERY sorry that I couldn't find a picture of you to put on here (that was JUST you). I found several of you and Brayden playing at Christmas...but you never looked at the camera :) I'll make up for it this weekend..get ready to smile.

Now to business.......


For those of you who didn't know, Tina is my sister-in-law (technically), but in my heart she's my SISTER! Our family has been so blessed to have her. She's is so sweet, happy, caring, patient, excellent Mom list could go on and on! She and I hit if off right away. I was a teenager (a rotten one at that) when she and Billy started dating. And she saw right thru it all and accepted me anyway. She became so dear to my heart a long time ago and I'm so, so thankful for that!

And her and are such a perfect match for each other. Talk about a couple who couldn't be more meant for each other...that's them! They are having their anniversary today also. I believe this is their 17th wedding annivesary (Billy, Tina, Mom, Dad...anyone who knows..correct me if I'm wrong). Regardless, these 2 have weathered many storms together and they just continue to get stronger because of it. They are one tight unit and couldn't be a better example of how a marriage should be. And they both adore wach other in a way that just puts a smile on your face. It make me so happy that my brother has someone who loves him so much...and it makes me happy that, that someone is Tina!

I love you both (and you 2 sweet kids) so much! And I (along with all my family) are so, so blessed to have you in our lives! Can't wait to see you this weekend...rain or no rain. Brayden has asked EVERY day since Monday..."...go Tyler's house??" He's very pumped...along with the rest of us.

I love you and Happy Birthday Tina and Happy Anniversary Billy and Tina!

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