Thursday, January 10, 2008

My Silly Boys

The other day Matt came up with a good joke...

What does a Spider do when it gets lost?
A "web" search

Not bad I thought :)

Day before yesterday (just me and him at home) Brayden comes into my room and stands in the corner and says "its no my fault". I ask "What's not your fault baby?". He then tells me "I cry...I hit me, I fall down, I make me cry *sniff* *sniff*". :) It's pretty bad when you just can't trust no one....not even yourself....poor guy :)

Side note: If any of you haven't already, hop over to Jim's Blog. He's put up a few new ones also.

1 comment:

Kim :) said...

Cute kids!! I just loving hearing what they come up with. Love it!!!