Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ducks and Penquins!

Our littlest man of the house keeps us laughing. Sometimes he's trying to be funny, other times he's serious. For instance...

On Saturday we are heading to Matt's game (which they won..and YES...I forgot the dadgum camera AGAIN). We are at the end of the subdivision where a house has a pond in the back. This is where the deer and turkey frequently congregate. And this morning there were 27+ turkey out in the field. Jim tells the kids "Hey guys...Look..." And Brayden hollers out "........DUCKS......" :) We all fell out laughing.

Yesterday I went to the car wash while Nat was at piano lessons. No mud on the truck...WOO HOO...just regular ole road grime from the wonderful 1.5" of rain we got on Saturday. I go to the drive thru automatic car wash. The lady tells me to select my wash...and I do. Then she tells me "please enter a payment". Brayden says with a heavy question in his tone..."enter a penquin?" ......Matt and I were in tears.....

Hope this provided you with a good laugh for the day :)


Jen said...

That is really funny! Little boys have the best view of life!

Kim :) said...

Silly Silly man!! He is to funny. I just love hearing what those little guys are going to come up with next!

The Oldies said...

Just can not wait till his big brother starts setting him up!!