Tuesday, February 05, 2008

OMG...she's like 13!

Yep...I have a teenager in the house now. Laugh away :) Her birthday was last Wednesday and I know I'm late on the posting...forgive me Nat :( It's just been a whirlwind around here. But hey, when is it not!?!?!

She "only" got 2 gifts this year, but when you see what gift #2 is...you'll probably know right away why...

She got her ...boots with the fur... (but she DID NOT get the apple bottoms jeans...for those of you who know the song I'm referring too :))

Gift #2...the one that brought a tear to her eye, and Mom and Dad got a hug that felt like a tackle (something that we've become accustomed to from Matt...not Nat :))....drum roll please...it's the Wii!!!!!!!!!!!! In case you didn't already know, you CAN NOT get these in stores. Some might be able to, but they are either extremely lucky to have gotten the 1 and only one and it just came off the delivery truck...or they are one of those that waits in line for the store to open and hope that they are at least 4-5th in line!! I could have paid an excessive amount at Ebay and a few other sites like that, but I said no way. Regular price was more than I cared to pay! But thanks to my brother Billy's suggestion, I tried Craigslist.com. There were several overpriced ones there too. And they were ussually gone in an hour or 2 after they posted. I lucked out and found a guy in McKinney that was selling his for the price he paid (even provided the reciept)!! And this picture shows that it was all worth it!

We had a b-day party for my 2 Jan. b-day kids this past Saturday. That'll be another post. So I'll leave you with this cute picture of the 2 of them. Please note that he's looking at the camera AND smiling! That is a major feat! So...please just try to over look the fact that he has crustys all around his mouth :)


Jen said...

She's adorable! So tall! I guess we're officially old now, right? Naaahhhh...! Welcome to the world of teenagers! (I've been waiting for ya)

The Oldies said...

Good Golly Miss Molly you are getting old and I'm getting older.
great pictures. didn't get to see her new boots. Had a great time with all of you. Sorry you got sick. Beautiful kids.

Love Mom

Kim :) said...

13!!! Time sure goes to fast!!! Love the new boots she got! They look great on her. The WII will be a huge hit with everyone I bet!!

Hope you guys had a great time at the party!