Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Matt's B-ball pics...FINALLY always, I'm running a bit behind on posting. But here they are finally....some pics from Matt's last b-ball game. They had a GREAT season. They only lost twice out of 7-8 games. And the losses were not from lack of hustle or effort! These boys hustled!!! Matt did an awesome job this year. He did awesome at defense and was much more aggressive. And made some baskets along the way :) We are very proud of him!!

Yes, Brayden made it into the b-ball pics cause on THIS particular day he wanted his picture taken. And if you've read any previous know that this DOES NOT happen often!! :)

I have some more pictures to share either later today or be on the look out :) Have a great day!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Your boys are too cute.