Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Matthew and his pets :)

Matthew has mentioned many times that he'd like to shoot a deer. But I think his Mom is starting to wear off on him :) Each time he's mentioned that he'd like to shoot one, I've been saying (along with "NO!")..."wouldn't you rather have one eat out of your hand, or pet one?"

A few times a week Matt will go and put corn out for the deer. And by doing that, he's getting the deer really comfy and cozy in our back yard. They'll even bring out the new baby twins deer...and all just come and lay down in our back yard. It's really cool! They'll even hang out with him while he's mowing!!!

This past weekend Matt was allowed to buy a pellet gun. I was really worried that his kindness towards the deer was going to quickly fade. But, my fears are a thing of the past (for now :)). Yesterday, Matt was outside shooting his gun. He put it up when he saw the deer and went to go get the bucket of corn. When the deer saw the bucket....they came cows do!!! It was hilarious. The deer were running towards Matt and he was running towards the garage to get more corn :)

He went and got a chair and sat in the middle of some trees and sat for a good 30 mins just as still and quite as he could (which all of you who know Matt, know this is QUITE a feat for him!) with the corn in his hand...hoping they'd come eat out of it. And he WAS tempting them. You could see it in their eyes that they wanted that corn!!

In this picture you can't see them, but the 2 babies are just to the right of Matt and back a little bit. The adults really want to eat out of Matt's hand, but their instincts are telling them not to. Hopefully, Matt can get the babies to give in...if Momma deer would just buzz off :)

I know I still need to blog about the beach, but this was so cool that I just had to share it.


The Oldies said...

Tell Matt this way more cool then falling out of the tree and killing one. So happy that you have so much of God creatures in your yard. Matt is maturing so much this year. Glad you are all enjoying the nature. Love Mom


That's cool!!! Don't see deer in the yard in the CITY!! I think Mason gets confused sometimes on what a Cow really looks like!! LOL

Aaron Schaefer said...

I'm so jealous!!!!
Go Matt!

Kim :) said...

How flipping cool!! I am so happy to see Mat is able to get those Deers to come around so much. And he will have them eating out of his hand before you know it!

Jen said...

That's awesome.